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You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Locust is pretty much rot-resistant and grows fast and straight.

Cedar will last pretty much forever in the ground.
Certain types of locust. Black locust will last a long long time. Other locust aren't nearly as tough. The problem with some of these woods can be if you let them dry out too much it's almost impossible to get a nail or staple in them.

The key with cedar is you want very little sap wood (the white outer ring) and lots of heart wood (the red center)


Fight the power.
He also said leafs.


Staff member
Certain types of locust. Black locust will last a long long time. Other locust aren't nearly as tough. The problem with some of these woods can be if you let them dry out too much it's almost impossible to get a nail or staple in them.

The key with cedar is you want very little sap wood (the white outer ring) and lots of heart wood (the red center)

They call what they grow here honey locust.

And yeah, it gets hard as a rock once it dries out.