By Invitation Only


Never bought my own handtruck
I don't care where they stay, I'm going to set a new company record for hours worked in one week when they're here.
We have a driver, he uses any and every excuse you ever heard, to not work all week. But, I have seen him work everyday of a vacation to avoid being home with his inlaws.


Resident Suit
Seriously--what are you hiding?
It's not me, it's them. They're these earth purity, one with nature weirdos. It's like some midlife crisis. Last time they were here her dad gave me a 20 minute lecture on why I should recycle paper towels.

I'm all for the environment, but Jesus H Christ dude.


Retired 23 years
It's not me, it's them. They're these earth purity, one with nature weirdos. It's like some midlife crisis. Last time they were here her dad gave me a 20 minute lecture on why I should recycle paper towels.

I'm all for the environment, but Jesus H Christ dude.

I see where you are coming from now. Shoot a baby duck in front of them --- they will leave you alone.


It's not me, it's them. They're these earth purity, one with nature weirdos. It's like some midlife crisis. Last time they were here her dad gave me a 20 minute lecture on why I should recycle paper towels.

I'm all for the environment, but Jesus H Christ dude.

Just a guess
but he wears Birkenstocks with wool socks


Resident Suit
We have a driver, he uses any and every excuse you ever heard, to not work all week. But, I have seen him work everyday of a vacation to avoid being home with his inlaws.
I wasn't even going to take the Friday before the wedding off, but I thought I was going to get jumped by my mom and ClerkGirl when I suggested it.

I mean, it's a Friday and I'm a sup. I can get out of work, play 9, and still be at the Rehearsal dinner clean and looking good on time.