By Invitation Only


Never bought my own handtruck
After 24 years, you kind of get used to it.

It may also be that ClerkGirl and my mother are both Super Catholics and I'm afraid they'll find out I ate meat on a Friday. I had a baconator on Good Friday a few years ago and I thought I was going to get jumped.
I remember the first time I "cheated", there was an all you can eat wing special. I thought Jesus himself was gonna take me in my sleep that night.


Never bought my own handtruck
Why can I drive into NJ for free, but I have to pay 4 bucks to get out?

I don't want to stay that badly.
That's the whole idea, no one really wants to be here. And no one would pay 4$ to get in. Just ask @oldngray. I remember when I was a kid, you paid tolls in both directions. They changed it to one direction to ease traffic leaving the city at rush hour.