By Invitation Only


Fight the power.
I'm sorry Pp........


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Funny you say that my wife's cousin went to high school with him
Said he drove a BMW convertible his folks lived in a millon dollar house and was a total bro

I saw him open for George Strait
Puts on a good show
Yeah I like his music but I knew he was kind of a phony when he said country music Jesus was written in jest


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Just saying ......real heart in a song comes from nothing ....maybe he didn't have nothing even though his parents where rich...IDK ....he sounds good
Jamey johnsons best album by far "that lonesome song" most of it was written right after his divorce.

He said man I go to a dark dark place sometimes. It's not healthy but it's where I wrote my best music.