By Invitation Only


Fight the power.
No. We don't have a Mazda store, and I've never seen a used one going to auction from us.

Pork turned out great. Probably took 40 minutes. Would have been quicker, but I was eating the bark as I was shredding.
I do the same!! Lmfao. Those CX9's look like a really good buy... they have sparked my interest...

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus


Have you guys seen these BMWa before? I've seen three in the last week. Can't imagine paying $43,000 for something so ugly.


Well-Known Member
Sprinters are POS's. Nice to drive around all day like a FedEx driver but not for heavy freight.
Had one where the passenger door had to be bungie corded shut, one where the sliding door would fall off at random times when you'd open it, but they were indeed, nice to drive