By Invitation Only


I went to some Whitetails thing I think that's what it was at least. $10 all you can drink.

Pretty much everyone in this town drank Jim beam and Diet Coke. The whole kitchen area was just rows upon rows of handles of beam and 2 liters of diet. It was a crazy night.

When ended up in a roadhouse style brawl at the bar we went to afterwards. There was 5 or 6 of us from out of town vs everyone else in that place. Lol

This was pretty much a ripper. I asked the bartender to make me a strong beam and coke and it was pretty much all beam and a splash of coke lol. Asked her what her favorite drink was. Said Malibu and pineapple juice. Told her "make it bullet strong" pretty
Much straight Malibu and a splash of pineapple and a splash of cherry. All you could drink bud light. The bartender wasn't even that hot I just wanted to do her lol. She told me i was going to have a goodnight and I gave her a wink lol


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
No work Wednesday in NJ, and parts of PA? I hope it hits early so they call us out!
