Whatever you do is a personal choice.
Ive never seen anyone fired for taking their lunch. or breaks. If you do, that is what the union should take care of. How about a class action suit against the teamsters? Or did you not notify them of the threat? You pay them, use them.
I run later than any of you, and I do not work off the clock in anyway. Maybe an occasional peak at what I have, if asked, or because I need to get off early, I may skip a lunch or break, that is my choice.
Other than that, I used to try to make numbers by running myself ragged, but I was not being safe, or providing service. I dont any more. I would love to make the numbers but I cant, so I dont worry. They get mad about my numbers, they ride with me. They scratch their head, and I dont hear anymore. They give me too much work, or too much commercial, I call. Its on them. Ill be flexible if we are short, or they made a bad call, but not continuosly. That is their job, they cant find where I lose time, its their job to find out whats wrong. If its me, get rid of me, if its them, the weather, the bulk, the bad day, a bad load then it is. So why pay lawyers 22 mil, to get what you coulda got all by yourself. Thats what I dont see.
Trick I see what you are saying, about payback and all, but 2.20 a day for all you have given the company? It isnt worth it.
And whoever said paying 27 dollars to people who "may" have a 12th grade education. How degrading. You got people in NYC running garbage trucks for 120 grand a year. We get paid what we are worth, whether its 60 grand or 100 grand, if you are doing it, and getting paid then you are worth it. If a guy with a 8th grade education is getting paid, because he is doing the job, yes he got lucky, but isnt he worth it?????? Give that one up.