calling in sick on a holiday


Well-Known Member
Not to be harsh or uncaring here but if you or your "friend" do not want to work what is required, then maybe it's time to find a 9-5, Mon-Fri, no-holiday job.

I am part of a company that has a progressive disciplinary system for abuse of multiple infractions within a nine month period. I am aware that if I call in too much I will lose my job.

If you are uncomfortable with this, then maybe it's time to for you to find a different job.


Retired 23 years
Planning ahead 2 months to call in sick seems a little over the top to me. I would bet that if you looked around you could find quite a few people that just hope they still HAVE a job come Christmas. The trouble with calling in sick is that it gets easier and easier to do. You work at a job that requires you to be there some days you would rather have off- it's that simple. Your working for the wrong company if you think every holiday will be a 3 day weekend. Grow a pair and work or step down and make way for someone that wants to.:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
Seems if you're too sick to work, you are too sick to do much else during the day.

Some of us may call in sick because of a personal issue that we don't want to discuss but we sure wouldn't be caught out and about.

Planning this far in advance to call in on a Holiday is sh##ty. There should be enough time to adjust party arrangements and so forth. If you must miss a gathering due to working, only respect should come your way. From management and family/friends both.


Its only a 5 hour shift at most, up here if a 22.3 works a major holiday they have the option to do half their shift (in most cases) it shouldnt be that big of a deal to work a couple hours.


Well-Known Member
July my first year, the day before (or after can't remember) the 4th I was one of two people who normally loaded on my line that showed up. It was the worst day I've ever had at UPS lol. It was hot, humid and seemingly endless work. I mean I saw people from the offices that have never loaded before and it was just comical

We were so understaffed one day that they had the mechanic helping us !!!! lol.


Active Member
I spent 10 years with contract and 3 years with UPS so far and i carried over my sick/optional days past 3 years , (which most take the option to get pay for those days, at end of year)they have no right to question you about any days you take off. If they do talk to your Union Representative.​


Active Member
. Do expect the hairy eyeball to be turned in your direction though. :happy-very:
Bro I spent 13 long years with UPS and 10 of those years was with a contract , UPS dont care about the little guy , If any of those eyeballs as you say ,cared about there workers they would honor there contract workers who worked there forever , this guy has every right to take off, if he has the days to take off.​


Well-Known Member
Maybe he wasn't feeling well enough to make it in by his start time, but was feeling better later in the day...

If you'll read MY first post, it was merely a first-hand example of what happened to one of OUR drivers. His start time was 2130 and he was found up at the bar with his g/friend tending at 2300. Found by supervisors that knew what he was doing. Why? How? He couldn't keep his mouth shut! He bragged that she was there and he was going to call in as many Fri. as he could. Did it bother me? Hell no! He made me alot of money those days since I had to cover part of my run and all of his every time he did this. "Feeling better later in the day"? Yeah, an hour and a half later in his "day"!


Well-Known Member
Why does it matter to you? If he calls in too much he will be fired...

Do you know everything about his guys life? Maybe he needed to take his sick grandmother to her chemotherapy appointment.

You are fortunate that the worst thing in your life is worrying about his attendance record.

"Why does it matter to you?" Well, am I going to make $300 more this week because of him or my normal $?

"If he calls in too much he will be fired". Did you read my first post on this subject? Evidently not. He WAS fired. And I said not for calling in sick too much (which he did) but for lying. My call? Nope. Managers call. Am I a supe? Nope, just a grunt observing.

"You are fortunate that the worst thing in your life is worrying about his attendance record". Did I say that? DID I SAY THAT? Does it look like I'm worrying about his attendance record? If you can call wondering if I was going to make an extra $300 or so every few weeks "worrying" then, yes, I guess I was worrying! HA!

Go back and read the posts. I also cautioned all those that call in sick on "special" days or days of "special" events or call in regularly and say they're "sick" could be setting themselves up for termination. Remember, it's a small world. You have eyes on you, your job, their reward. Play if you want, but expect to pay the price also.


Well-Known Member
"Feeling better later in the day"?

Yeah, an hour and a half later in his "day"!

So it's impossible that he didn't feel well enough to make it to work, but he was fortunate enough to be able to remedy the problem in an hours time so he could get some pain-free enjoyment out of life?

If I use a sick day, how long am I required to be sick? 8 hours? 9.5?


Well-Known Member
So it's impossible that he didn't feel well enough to make it to work, but he was fortunate enough to be able to remedy the problem in an hours time so he could get some pain-free enjoyment out of life?

If I use a sick day, how long am I required to be sick? 8 hours? 9.5?

You still ain't gettin what this guy did. Did you read where he couldn't shut up? He had already announced to quite a few that he wasn't coming in that day (actually, night), to be with his g/friend! I was looking forward to it cuz it meant me covering part of his run, but some, evidently, were perturbed and kept talking, in his behalf, to management. Managment, in turn, knew where she worked (as did all of us for reasons that will remain muted) and promptly stalked him.

Now, I didn't think I had to spell all this out, but it looks like I will, omitting names. He had a habit of doing this, coincidentally, on Fridays. And bragging about it, by the way. He had been given warning letters about his attendance. When confronted, he admitted he lied when he called in sick. He was fired!

Now, you wanna bring up any more scenarios about this guy and how it applies to you so you can dis me on more stuff? Let's see...I don't like his height, his nose, his neighborhood, his car, his dog...

Geez, I was merely warning you and others what this company is capable of and what you shouldn't be doing! You think that YOUR supe or manager doesn't read this forum? Let's see....I'm from a secret place that's called "Denver, Colorado" and I work the air ramp at a secret place called "Denver International Airport" and I'm going to be calling in sick on the day after Thanksgiving. "Nobody will ever know"

Now, let me have it on this post! My 6 months of seniority will shoot you down!


Idk if stalking would be the right word...... The point is UPS has eyes everywhere you never know what maybe seen and by who.
If you arent well enough to call in, you should be taking the day easy so you dont get any worse, you shoulnt be going to the bar, been seen fishing things of this nature because if you have enough strength to be doing those you have enough strenghth to be moving some packages.


Well-Known Member
I had called in sick one day but needed to get out of the house in the afternoon so decided to go see a movie. As luck would have it my on-car was trying to find the mall driver as I was standing in line to buy my ticket for the movie. Staffing was not an issue that day so nothing was said but the look he gave me was the same look I used to give my kids back when they were young and had gotten in to trouble. We joked about it the following day and nothing further was said. BTW, the movie sucked so all around it was not a good day.


see I never said I was sick unless I was. When I was a loader and I absolutely needed the day for whatever reason and I wasn't allowed to schedule a personal day, I would call in saying this is such and such and I'm booking off (what we call it around here) and will not be in today. ::click::


we never work the 4th of july or christmas! what in the world? the night shift here doesn't work christmas eve either. christmas eve is NOT a paid holiday but i just enjoy the night off. they count it as a lay off. and i say if you are sick, then you are sick.....forget your co workers....especially if you never miss work.....


Well-Known Member
To answer the original question...disciplinary action for absenteeism does not change and is not affected by a holiday.

You have an ethical obligation as an employee of UPS to do everything in your power to come to work every day, particularly during peak season. If working on Xmas eve is a problem for you then yes, you are working for the wrong company. But, if you are truly physically ill and incapable of safely doing your job then you call in sick just like any other day.

I agree with Sober. I do believe you have an ethical obligation to UPS during December and November.

If you're sick then you should book off. If you think you should have X-mas eve off because everyone else in the USA does then you are working for the wrong company as Sober pointed out.

When you book off on Dec. 24th you hurt everyone else at UPS because we have to stay later to do your work and I think that is selfish. What makes you more important than the rest of us? I'll support you booking off so you can go fishing in April when 5 guys are laid off every day, but will frown on you for doing it Dec. 24th.

An exception would be a scenario in which you needed to make a flight with the family to see your 101-year old great-grand mother that nobody goes to visit. I would be OK with that because its probably her last X-mas.

I would be disgusted with you if you booked off so you can drink egg-nog, watch football and get ready for Santa Clause:sick:.

We should be a team, mangers and hourlies, on Dec. 24th (we should the other 364 days but that is another topic!)so we can close out another peak season as early as possible and get home to our family.