

IE boogeyman
if it's a DR, why stand here waiting? if it was a sig, why not start filling out an info notice while you wait; if it was a sig and he falsified it, article 50 and walk out the door

inb4 the usual crowd defending a bad driver


KTM rider
if it's a DR, why stand here waiting? if it was a sig, why not start filling out an info notice while you wait; if it was a sig and he falsified it, article 50 and walk out the door

Watch the vid again. To me, it looks like it could be a townhouse and the back deck is a 2nd floor deck. I have thought about doing the same, but have always thought better of it.


Well-Known Member
The physical degree of handling of that box at delivery was way less than experienced during the many sorts along it's travel. Most damage to packages and contents happen during the sort, and not on pickup or delivery.


Well-Known Member
but because people don't see the sorting equipment.... its all on pillows and soft slides and carpet.

YES! How many commercials have you seen showing a clean shaved / dressed courier gently handing the package to the happy well dressed customer? If the customer / shipper saw what happens during the handling process, they might actually prepare the shipment properly.

Star B

White Lightening

Today, BoT battles a dog in a trailor park.... can he make it out alive?? (dun dun duuun)
Also, @FrigidFTSup just noticed that half his pre-sort is drunk and are carrying around bats. CAN HE MAKE THE PRE SORT HAPPEN IN TIME AND AT WHAT COST????

In a lighter note, @oldfart and @Indecisi0n ... love at first sight? Hear their compelling story live!!

brb calling TruTV.


nowhere special