One of the problems with pensions is they are not allowed to invest the funds in a way to get the growth they need. If they were allowed to put the funds in an S&P index fund, which is a very safe investment, the average annual return would be a little over 10%. This is not being optimistic, this is the average annual return since the inception of the S&P 500 in 1928. Since the S&P 500 is all stocks pensions are not allowed to invest everything in index's like this because they are considered "too Risky". Average annual pension fund returns are somewhere between 5-7%. This is a huge difference especially with the amount of money we're talking about. I'm not trying to say that everything in the pension fund should go into the S&P, but there are other investments such as mutual funds and index's that could be invested in to diversify and get similar returns. Now all of this that can't be done in your pension, can be done in your 401k.