Cannabis Initiatives


Strength through joy
It was a ballot initiative and now the legislature has to wrap it in laws and regulations.

Colorado is still fine-tuning their cannabis laws and regulations.
Several years ago another ballot initiative was to drop the State Tax rate , it past something like 60-40% .
But the members of the State House decided not to do it .
They did include on the Tax Forms the option for those that wish to pay more but less than .0001% actually do .


Strength through joy
Ashland voters approve temporary ban on pot dispensaries

ASHLAND, Mass. - Just weeks after voters in Massachusetts approved legalizing marijuana for recreational use, one town has voted to halt the opening of dispensaries.

Ashland voters decided on the issue Monday night at a town meeting.

The moratorium will prevent dispensaries from opening until 2018.

The decision will head to the Massachusetts Attorney General for final approval.


Well-Known Member
Ashland voters approve temporary ban on pot dispensaries

ASHLAND, Mass. - Just weeks after voters in Massachusetts approved legalizing marijuana for recreational use, one town has voted to halt the opening of dispensaries.

Ashland voters decided on the issue Monday night at a town meeting.

The moratorium will prevent dispensaries from opening until 2018.

The decision will head to the Massachusetts Attorney General for final approval.

I don't imagine Framingham would have an issue with it.


Well-Known Member
I think Trump has spoken on the issue of cannabis and the position the federal gov't will take under his administration in just 2 words.

Jeff Sessions

If there was ever an argument for the reincarnation of Harry Anslinger.

The irony that Sessions through the Trump administration in one sense may make Obama's Presidency look almost like a supporter of State's Rights (other issues aside) when this is all done. Also it needs mentioning that Chris Christie, who has been officially pastured (thank goodness) was just as bad as Sessions on the Cannabis issue.

BTW: I'm critical in many, MANY, areas concerning Obama but on how he handled the Cannabis issue in my book, he gets an A+. And all he really did is just leave it alone and let the local folk decide what to do with it. He actually limited the Federal Gov't in size, scope and even costs pertaining to this one issue. That is the perfect response as far as I'm concerned and anything else is just centralized Statism which is the worse form of socialism. And yes Virginia, there are forms of Non State/ Anti State Socialism.


Strength through joy
Framingham calls itself a Town , but it really is a City .
Every time the vote comes up to change it, it gets rejected .
Beware of the south side of Framingham.


Well-Known Member
One of the most hateful and evil people in the history of the American Central Government.

Anslinger is bad, no doubt, but he doesn't rise up that high on my list. But we each have our perspectives!

I will add this, how many people even know who Anslinger is and what role in history he played?

Another real sleaze bag of a human being was Bureau of Narcotics agent George White. He and Anslinger IMO have a lot in common.

Operation Midnight Climax
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Well-Known Member
@Monkey Butt

More on George White if the name is new to you and a name at the end that is familiar.

"SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4, 1977 -- He was a "rock-em, sock-em cop not overly carried away with playing spook," according to a friend who knew him at the time. But the diaries and personal papers of the Central Intelligence Agency operative who ran "safe houses" in San Francisco and New York in which drug-addicted prostitutes gave LSD and other drugs to unsuspecting visitors tell a different story.

The diaries were kept by Col. George H. White, Alias Morgan Hall, a colorful federal narcotics agent and CIA "consultant" who died two years ago. They reveal new details, including names and dates, about the safe house project, dubbed "Operation Midnight Climax," which was part of the CIA's MK-ULTRA program in the 1950s and 1960s to manipulate human behavior. Curiously, White's widow donated his papers to the Electronics Museum at Foothill Junior College, a two-year school set amidst the rolling Los Altes hills 40 miles south of San Francisco. The papers are a rare find for anyone interested in the espionage business and show White dashing about the world, busting up narcotics rings in South America, Texas and San Francisco's Chinatown.

They also provide documentary evidence that White met to discuss drugs and safe houses with such CIA luminaries as Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, head of the Chemical Division of the Technical Services Division and the man who ran MK-ULTRA, and Dr. Robert V. Lashbrook, a CIA chemist who worked with LSD. Other high-ranking CIA officials mentioned prominently include Jame Angleton, C. P. Cabell and Stanley Lovell. Gottleib and Lashbrook have been subpoenaed to testify Sept. 20 before a Senate subcommittee investigating the MK-ULTRA project.

"Gottlieb proposes I be CIA consultant and I agree." White wrote in his diary June 9, 1952. A year later it was confirmed: "CIA - got final clearance and sign contract as 'consultant' - met Gottlieb . . . lunch Napeleon's - met Anslinger."

read more here.


Well-Known Member
If the feds step in then it would be to legalize and tax it throughout the whole country.

That 20% would cost you less than you spend on road trips.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to happen. I see no chance in the next 4 years. Maybe if Trump gets re-elected he might do something about it in his second term but he will busy with other issues for now.

Lol people tried to say the same thing about obama. Yeah change