Casual Drivers Not Covered, Still Pay


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows outside hires are never as good as those drivers who worked their way up through the system. They have no appreciation of how hard everyone else had to work-----they just waltz in off the street and, boom, they are a driver. Who the hell do they think they are?!

Correct me please if I'm wrong but...... Didn't you waltz on in and become a driver? I for some reason remember reading you became a driver right away.....


Well-Known Member
Now THAT must be how I got this job. I heard music in my head and just waltzed into the center.

Of course, if I got a refund I'd just start over if I got another union position.


Well-Known Member
Pardon the interruption but what initiation fee are you guys talking about? Been with ups for 7 years now (in union) and I started driving in August. Due to peak starting in October, I driving days now aren't counting towards my 30. I don't think I've ever paid any initiation fee of any kind.

you aint even know it

Well-Known Troll
Make that $16 an hour before deductions, about $11 or $12 after. Oh yes, thank you Teamsters for that. Permanent drivers earn $34 and up an hour, but you got me that sweet $16. Whoa!

If a refund of the init. fee is possible, how exactly is it done? I may as well let it ride because if things go ok I'll probably drive in the summer, too.

As for someone who's been busting their back for years waiting to drive, what's wrong with you? You're in the center and would be the first to hear about any driver openings (unless you don't know any of the drivers there). Why didn't you make your move, tell your supe or center mgr that driving is what you want to do as soon as a position opens up? Hey man, all I did was answer an ad off the UPS job search site for TEMPORARY drivers. As hard as your job is, which I'm not disputing whatsoever, you're covered under the contract. I'm not. That's a tremendous amount of money if you calculate it.

Meanwhile you're complaining, we got pt seasonals who are lucky to get more than 2 hours a day and work more than 3 days a week, get a 10 min break after busting their butts, and getting $45 deducted out of their paycheck weekly. We have way too many entitle-minded lucky drivers entering through the doors without making any prior sacrifice. I think we should get rid of the outside hire quota.


Well-Known Member
Yep, everyone here knows that upstate hates unions and doesn't respect seniority or any sort of union representation. So it has to be sarcasm.

Upstate thinks you are reading way too much in to what he wrote.

I respect the seniority process and tolerate the union presence.

I was hired under the provisions of the contract approved by a majority of the union hourlies. I did not receive special treatment nor did I expect any. The only edge that I got was my status as a veteran----the DM at the time was a veteran. I put in my time as a casual (11 months) and have been FT ever since.


Staff member
It's been very slow in my center lately, but sometime soon I hope to be driving every day until January as a casual driver. I like unions, I like the Teamsters in general. But I'm sure not wild about having $500 for the initiation fee plus dues deducted from my check when I have absolutely zero coverage or representation under the contract. That's life, and so it goes. But can someone pleae explain to me how this rather sweetheart arrangement was reached between UPS and the union?

Tell you what, before you start to whine, you should go back and read your own posts:

There's a good chance that I'll be hired as a casual, seasonal driver for the holidays, as well as for two or three months in the summer. I'd be paying the initiation fee, which is fine with me.

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