Caterpiller tells Illinois "shape up or we are shipping out"

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama can help them relocate to S. America !!

Here's a piece of real intelligence. This quote demonstrates the right wings failure to comprehend their own policies.

During the final years of the Bush administration, President Bush pushed for his last trade agreement with south america. In that, one of the largest benefactors of this deal would have been catapillar, who was waiting to pick up and move its entire business to south america and all the jobs with it. It was the democrats in congress and in the senate that killed this agreement and prevented them from leaving.

Catapillar has tried for years to escape the business tax end of the United States and the wages that this country offers its citizens. Relocating the company to a third world nation would eliminate paying taxes, duties, fees and high wages and benefits.

Dont look for another state for them to relocate in, look to another country alltogether.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My added two cents --many people yell for the U.S. to raise Tax on the evil rich Corporations. After Japan has lowered their Corporate Tax the United States has the HIGHEST corporate tax rate in the world. Throw in the additional labor cost and it does not take a genious to figure out why so many jobs have left the country.
For example if we eliminated the tax completely --Large IT corporations woulkd be encouraged to have their phone centers and help lines and manufacturing plants right here at home.
With the millions of high paying jobs that would be available, unenployent would go down and overall tax revenue would increase.
This is not rocket science. Remember the HIGHEST corporate tax rate --what incentive would you personally have if you were about to invest your money to risk opening a business where a huge chunk of the profit goes to the government ??

Another wonderful trickle down enthusiast.

Island, the point you are missing is simple. Its NOT the taxes they are avoiding, they can do that pretty easy with the Bush Tax cuts (ie GE)... Its the wages all corporations are trying to escape.

If you believe that cutting the corporate tax rates are going to bring jobs back to the united states, then you my friend missed something in the last 25 years.

Starting with Reagan who cut corporate taxes by 25% in 1980, he ran businesses out of the country first and at the end of his second year, unemployment went to 10.7%. (higher than obama had it) For eight years, Reagan ran a budget deficit until he left 3.7 trillion dollars of debt for GH BUSH to deal with. GH kept the tax cuts and ran the deficit even higher until he had no choice but to raise taxes. (remember no new taxes?) With Reagan, he took an economy that had its manufacturing sector representing 41% of GDP down to 29% in 8 years with tax cuts to the rich.

GH Bush made it worse and took it down to 19% in 4 years. Bill Clinton came in and RAISE those taxes back up 25%, stabilized the economy, grew manufacturing 8% to 37% of GDP and balanced the budget.

Low and Behold, the genius that was GW BUSH, took the whackos that were in the Reagan administration and let them advise him how to run the country. BUSH cut the top 1% again to Reagan levels while raising costs on everything in the country to middle class americans. In addition, those tax cuts which were designed to stimulate the economy and grow jobs merely repeated what happened during Reagans term.

On Bush's last day in office, he left 10.7 trillion in debt sitting on the new presidents desk and the manufacturing sector represented only 9% of GDP! Thats right, only 9% of GDP.

Indeed, putting more money into the pockets of the riches americans allowed them to expand their businesses, only NOT in america. There has been ZERO growth in manfacturing since tax cuts for the rich began during reagans term.

The United States, which when founded, decided to import slaves to work in order to make its citizens more money went through a transition when the republicans decided it was easier to export jobs to slave wage countries instead of taking care of its own citizens.

Taxes and the avoidance of them is just a smoke screen for corporations and those that would support them.



Senior Member
You can eliminate all corporate taxes in the US, and yet the companies there, will still be paying more on healthcare alone for their employers, then monthly wages somewhere overseas.
And Canadians will pay for it through their income tax.

I think that's why it would be a very smart move if Cat moved production to socialist Canada. They are located near the border, anyways.
With corperate tax rates sinking here, year by year, to get to 15% by 2013 (I believe), which would be 10% lower then the US, lower pension plan constributions, and no employer healthcare costs, (besides prescriptions and dental), it would be unwise not to consider.
15% corporate rate, cool. -(but your Canadian personal income tax makes up the difference)-
No free lunch for Canadians.
Last year my total effective rate on $100,000 was 13.98%.
Here is the average tax rate for a Canadian making $100,000.
-(adjusting for each Providence's tax rate)-

Let me see?
A Canadian -(on average)- pays 26% more in taxes to get the free stuff.
Such a deal!!!!!
As an American, I can buy excellent health care coverage with $26,000.00 and have plenty left over to save, or spend, at my own discretion.
Keep your Socialism.


Für Meno :)
I pay 15% income taxes, so in your case from 100.000 it's 15K income taxes.
And yes, I pay 5% GST (Vat taxes) - no provincial sales tax here.

In Florida the state tax was 6.5% (more then I pay here).
Also, no extra hotel taxes, just the 5% GST here.
Not to forget , no toll roads here, either.

I say it's even field.

And if you look around, just look how many Canadains are buying up property in the US, and how our banks are buying yours up (TD, RBC).
There are now more TD Banks in the US, then there are in Canada !

(TD stands for Toronto Dominion Bank and RBC for Royal Bank of Canada, and BMO for Bank of Montreal).

Sounds we have just too much money up north, and need to spend it south !
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Senior Member
Another wonderful trickle down enthusiast.

Island, the point you are missing is simple. Its NOT the taxes they are avoiding, they can do that pretty easy with the Bush Tax cuts (ie GE)... Its the wages all corporations are trying to escape.

If you believe that cutting the corporate tax rates are going to bring jobs back to the united states, then you my friend missed something in the last 25 years.

Starting with Reagan who cut corporate taxes by 25% in 1980, he ran businesses out of the country first and at the end of his second year, unemployment went to 10.7%. (higher than obama had it) For eight years, Reagan ran a budget deficit until he left 3.7 trillion dollars of debt for GH BUSH to deal with. GH kept the tax cuts and ran the deficit even higher until he had no choice but to raise taxes. (remember no new taxes?) With Reagan, he took an economy that had its manufacturing sector representing 41% of GDP down to 29% in 8 years with tax cuts to the rich.

GH Bush made it worse and took it down to 19% in 4 years. Bill Clinton came in and RAISE those taxes back up 25%, stabilized the economy, grew manufacturing 8% to 37% of GDP and balanced the budget.

Low and Behold, the genius that was GW BUSH, took the whackos that were in the Reagan administration and let them advise him how to run the country. BUSH cut the top 1% again to Reagan levels while raising costs on everything in the country to middle class americans. In addition, those tax cuts which were designed to stimulate the economy and grow jobs merely repeated what happened during Reagans term.

On Bush's last day in office, he left 10.7 trillion in debt sitting on the new presidents desk and the manufacturing sector represented only 9% of GDP! Thats right, only 9% of GDP.

Indeed, putting more money into the pockets of the riches americans allowed them to expand their businesses, only NOT in america. There has been ZERO growth in manfacturing since tax cuts for the rich began during reagans term.

The United States, which when founded, decided to import slaves to work in order to make its citizens more money went through a transition when the republicans decided it was easier to export jobs to slave wage countries instead of taking care of its own citizens.

Taxes and the avoidance of them is just a smoke screen for corporations and those that would support them.

You left out how screwed up things were under Jimmy Carter, when Reagan took the reins.
I lived those days.
Review the inflation rate and the interest rate's when Reagen took office to when he left office.
All the President's before, and since, have screwed up something.
I married in 1978 with zero.
Presidents, corporations and nations have come and gone since.
Now, I have a number with many zeros behind it.
People tend to waste time worrying about things they can not change instead of concentrating on changing their personal circumstance.
It ain't what you start with, it is what you finish with.


Well-Known Member
Not every business is in bed with Obama like GE.
Check out the total tax that UPS pays the government --not such a small piece of change.
Also the political "talking points" trickle down -gore lock box--obamanomics--I try to avoid , usually only partisan B.S.
As far as "trickle down" Jim Casey and his partners took many risks with their money, borrowed loans,expanded etc etc. They became multi millionaires and created those "trickle" down jobs with high pay and benefits for over 400,000 people around the world .:peaceful: But of course many people today even some of their own employees hate the big bad corporation. Those people should realize that they are not "slaves" and are free to work where they please.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Not every business is in bed with Obama like GE.
Check out the total tax that UPS pays the government --not such a small piece of change.
Also the political "talking points" trickle down -gore lock box--obamanomics--I try to avoid , usually only partisan B.S.
As far as "trickle down" Jim Casey and his partners took many risks with their money, borrowed loans,expanded etc etc. They became multi millionaires and created those "trickle" down jobs with high pay and benefits for over 400,000 people around the world .:peaceful: But of course many people today even some of their own employees hate the big bad corporation. Those people should realize that they are not "slaves" and are free to work where they please.


Yeah, youre right, only GE didnt pay any taxes to the goverment. Get real dude. Watch another channel other than fox, why not research how many corporations paid little or no tax in 2010 and get back to me.

I would like you to demonstrate how TRICKLE DOWN helped our country at any time in history.



Nine Lives

Yeah, youre right, only GE didnt pay any taxes to the goverment. Get real dude. Watch another channel other than fox, why not research how many corporations paid little or no tax in 2010 and get back to me.

I would like you to demonstrate how TRICKLE DOWN helped our country at any time in history.

Only companies that make a profit are taxed.
There are many companies that don't pay taxes then. Glad I don't work for one.


Engorged Member
Just stay out of Texas and you don't have to concern yourself. Too simple for ya?
BTW, I'm not a fan of either of them.

Good for you. Both are idiots. Unfortunately, a lot of people outside of Texas think they are wonderful. Norris wants to actually secede from the US. A "brilliant" man.