My added two cents --many people yell for the U.S. to raise Tax on the evil rich Corporations. After Japan has lowered their Corporate Tax the United States has the HIGHEST corporate tax rate in the world. Throw in the additional labor cost and it does not take a genious to figure out why so many jobs have left the country.
For example if we eliminated the tax completely --Large IT corporations woulkd be encouraged to have their phone centers and help lines and manufacturing plants right here at home.
With the millions of high paying jobs that would be available, unenployent would go down and overall tax revenue would increase.
This is not rocket science. Remember the HIGHEST corporate tax rate --what incentive would you personally have if you were about to invest your money to risk opening a business where a huge chunk of the profit goes to the government ??
Another wonderful trickle down enthusiast.
Island, the point you are missing is simple. Its NOT the taxes they are avoiding, they can do that pretty easy with the Bush Tax cuts (ie GE)... Its the wages all corporations are trying to escape.
If you believe that cutting the corporate tax rates are going to bring jobs back to the united states, then you my friend missed something in the last 25 years.
Starting with Reagan who cut corporate taxes by 25% in 1980, he ran businesses out of the country first and at the end of his second year, unemployment went to 10.7%. (higher than obama had it) For eight years, Reagan ran a budget deficit until he left 3.7 trillion dollars of debt for GH BUSH to deal with. GH kept the tax cuts and ran the deficit even higher until he had no choice but to raise taxes. (remember no new taxes?) With Reagan, he took an economy that had its manufacturing sector representing 41% of GDP down to 29% in 8 years with tax cuts to the rich.
GH Bush made it worse and took it down to 19% in 4 years. Bill Clinton came in and RAISE those taxes back up 25%, stabilized the economy, grew manufacturing 8% to 37% of GDP and balanced the budget.
Low and Behold, the genius that was GW BUSH, took the whackos that were in the Reagan administration and let them advise him how to run the country. BUSH cut the top 1% again to Reagan levels while raising costs on everything in the country to middle class americans. In addition, those tax cuts which were designed to stimulate the economy and grow jobs merely repeated what happened during Reagans term.
On Bush's last day in office, he left 10.7 trillion in debt sitting on the new presidents desk and the manufacturing sector represented only 9% of GDP! Thats right, only 9% of GDP.
Indeed, putting more money into the pockets of the riches americans allowed them to expand their businesses, only NOT in america. There has been ZERO growth in manfacturing since tax cuts for the rich began during reagans term.
The United States, which when founded, decided to import slaves to work in order to make its citizens more money went through a transition when the republicans decided it was easier to export jobs to slave wage countries instead of taking care of its own citizens.
Taxes and the avoidance of them is just a smoke screen for corporations and those that would support them.