Censored words


Nine Lives
Mob intellect ?....just Nancy & Sluggo......that's only 2, far from being a mob.
There were at least 12 people ganging up on Upstate and calling him Nancy
He reported it and asked that it stop
Cheryl added to censor list until the immature mob participants forgot


Retired 23 years
There were at least 12 people ganging up on Upstate and calling him Nancy
He reported it and asked that it stop
Cheryl added to censor list until the immature mob participants forgot

Cry me a river. Upstate has deserved all the harassment he's ever received on here.
Cry me a river. Upstate has deserved all the harassment he's ever received on here.
I had a couple Epiphanies in my years on this sight. I tried to be nice to Dave. I apologized for how I treated him and actively tried to get him to come back a couple times. I feuded with valued members of this forum who called me out on trying to be the bigger person and not go with the pack. All Dave did was spit in my face and make me look bad. I was part of the pack and sometimes the leader. I had some very traumatic things done in front of me to women that have always stuck with me. To this day I snap on a man disrespecting a women or getting mistreated. I could never take him going hard at the ladies of this forum. As I have issues he has a complete set of his own.