Centennial Roadshow ... pretty lame ...


Industrial Slob
at fx express, we would have free bbq's at the end of our days to celebrate the dumbest of things, like the launch of the sales lead program, the fact that we hit our goals, etc. the least UPS could do is have something like this for EVERY center the day of the centennial.


I am the IRS for UPS!
at fx express, we would have free bbq's at the end of our days to celebrate the dumbest of things, like the launch of the sales lead program, the fact that we hit our goals, etc. the least UPS could do is have something like this for EVERY center the day of the centennial.

Guys, I feel the same way too. The show sounds like it sucks and UPS does not give us anything. Heck 3 years ago for christmas they uses to give a gift card to buy UPS merchindise, now we get a candy cane. But you gotta look at it as big businees. The CEO thinks you make enough money buy your own dam hot dog and beer. Hey I just saved a couple of million, now I can buy that Lear Jet that I always wanted. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I guess everybody's expectations are different about the 100 year tour, and that isn't a bad thing, either. I went down to Baltimore when the tour came through. I honestly had a good time. I actually came away from the event with a better understanding of the heritage and history of the company. I did learn some things that I never knew took place or how things had evolved from the early days of the company.

I have to say, that I have a better appreciation of what the people before me dealt with on a daily basis. To put things in perspective for me was to view a glimps of where UPS came from to where it is today. Wifey was really impressed. We did a lot of eaves dropping on some of the older retired employee's war stories about how things was then. That in it's self was worth the trip.

I guess in a corny way, I came away from the tour with a sense of pride and admiration for the company I belong to. We really didn't go for the food or the nicknacks we picked up.

But, we did make up for it later, grabbed a hotel room for the night and had a great meal down in the Inner Harbor afterwards.

Is the tour, lame? Could be. probably is. Could it have been handled differently? Probably. I guess it all depends on your expectations.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Guys, I feel the same way too. The show sounds like it sucks and UPS does not give us anything. Heck 3 years ago for christmas they uses to give a gift card to buy UPS merchindise, now we get a candy cane. But you gotta look at it as big businees. The CEO thinks you make enough money buy your own dam hot dog and beer. Hey I just saved a couple of million, now I can buy that Lear Jet that I always wanted. :lol:

Or those 10 Airbus a380s. Also, in celebration of my 100th post, I would just like to say: Thank you all, for all that you do...


Well-Known Member
Ok Sweetcheeks, allow me to start bashing away...

Between my husband and I, we have so far donated 62 years of our lives to UPS.

Please consider something else here. UPSer's spend more time at work than they do with their own families if you tally up the total hours in a week. :)

Damm Sammie, I wasn't aware you and your husband weren't compensated for the 62 years of your lives that you DONATED to UPS. It seems the highest hourly pay rate in the industry, and the excellent benefits you recieved for those 62 years wasn't fair compensation If that were the case, why did you continue to DONATE for that length of time?

A week consists of 7 day of 24 hours each. That is a total of 168 hours. I find it hard to believe that any non management UPSer spends 85 hours or more a week at work. I think there are labor laws the would restict that situation.


Well-Known Member
good points sammie and you're right.

I think one problem with this setup is it was engineered for both our celebration and to be a display for the customers on friday. So instead of celebrating our history and our accomplishments as one family we get a display that is carefully marketed for the customer.

the significance of a company reaching its 100 years was lost here. In fact we should have added another paid holiday this year and had local celebrations for our people at least on par with a 4th of july. Rent a park, barbecue etc. An expensive endeavor but what the heck its only once every 100 years.

We could have warned our customers ahead of time so they could have adjusted thier shipping plans to ship before or after and then invite them to the celebration.

we've forgotten how to celebrate as a company. Everything is carefully planned and marketed with a public corperation flair. Every penny is carefully counted. After all we don't want to tell our stockholders we didn't make the plan because we spent the profits on one hell of a party.

Its sad and somewhat embarrassing. Kind of like getting the same tie from the same relative for the 5 birthday in a row. You appreciate the thought but wonder why they even bothered if its so much trouble to make it something special this time.

OK, who are you, and what have you done with TIEGUY? :)


Well-Known Member
Damm Sammie, I wasn't aware you and your husband weren't compensated for the 62 years of your lives that you DONATED to UPS. It seems the highest hourly pay rate in the industry, and the excellent benefits you recieved for those 62 years wasn't fair compensation If that were the case, why did you continue to DONATE for that length of time?

A week consists of 7 day of 24 hours each. That is a total of 168 hours. I find it hard to believe that any non management UPSer spends 85 hours or more a week at work. I think there are labor laws the would restict that situation.

Well, chew me up and spit me out for the improper choice of TWO words.

My errors entirely. "Donate" should have been "worked at".

And I don't recall complaining about the pay and benefits.

I was voicing an opinion that from what I've heard about the celebration and the tour so far, more of a focus should have been generated towards the employees who just happen to make this company what it is...

And I guess all of my UPS co workers and I throughout the years were full of crap when we joked that it's a good
thing we got along well together because we saw more of each other than we saw our own families FROM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. I mistakenly referred to the hours in a week, and that should have been within a "work week"...

I apologize for not making that crystal clear for you.
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Party Guy

Ok Lets start a write in campaign

Dear Mike,

I want to start off by thanking you for the thought and effort that has gone into the road show. It is unique. However I am writing you because I feel it falls short of what is required here.

Your road show has been carefully crafted to leverage the history of UPS. I'm sure our customers and newer upsers found it very interesting. A nice piece of marketing.

However this is our 100 year celebration and it really deserves much more. Each district should have a time and a place to bring everyone together to celebrate our accomplishments. A picnic in a park with good food,drink, games and giveaways for everyone and thier families on founders day weekend should be the minimum.
They have helped make this event happen and deserve something special just for them.

After all this is our 100 years. A time to bring those employees and retirees together with their friends and families. No expense should be spared.

So I appreciate the time and effort that went into the roadshow but I respectfully feel it falls far short of what this event calls for.

Thank you for your consideration.


Well-Known Member
Damm Sammie, I wasn't aware you and your husband weren't compensated for the 62 years of your lives that you DONATED to UPS. It seems the highest hourly pay rate in the industry, and the excellent benefits you recieved for those 62 years wasn't fair compensation If that were the case, why did you continue to DONATE for that length of time?

A week consists of 7 day of 24 hours each. That is a total of 168 hours. I find it hard to believe that any non management UPSer spends 85 hours or more a week at work. I think there are labor laws the would restict that situation.

Probably meant to type DEVOTED; you know it kind of has the same ring just a different meaning. You didn't have to read the riot act because someone made a mistake. I'm sure you've made your fair share. In fact, if you figure in sleeping, commuting, and "other" things that are not work, UPS does get more of our time than our families do. You can't take the 168 hours and divide by 2; there are other tangibles that you have to consider.


brown did nothing 4 me
on www.upsers.com, under our company, celebrating 100 years on the left, global tour, click on the interactive map, select your country, then state. There are 70 locations that are being visited worldwide.


Retired 23 years
There was a time I thought I would like to see this but after all the bad reviews I changed my mind. Apparently they don't want retired employees to see it anyway because we can't even log onto the upser.com site to find out where the damm thing is making a friggin appearence so screw em. That is all.


Senior Member
The Roadshow is lame and self serving.
We as UPSER's already have self pride in doing a job well done and are well paid for it.
How about giving our customers a "THANK YOU" for our ability to survive for the last 100yrs. Maybe on Founders day we could offer discounted shipping as a thank you. Money not received now would be easily replaced by the goodwill and respect given.
I learned quickly, when I was a commission only salesman, that even the smallest gift or act of kindness increased my sales greatly.
This last 100yrs did not happen by sheer skill of efficient delivery methods.
It came from a customer base willing to do business with us.
We should thank them, not ourselves.


The Fishing UPS Guy
I remember the 90th anniversary. It was pretty damned good. Big event, lots of good food. Lots to see. My daughter was little, and my son was a baby. Still have the pics of my daughter in the cockpit of a 757 freighter. Hopefully they'll do some adjustments as the tour goes on.

I just checked out the list. Hmmmmm, I don't see a Seattle on there. Redmond yes, but nothing in Seattle. I wonder if they're doing something special on Founder's Day in downtown Seattle? I may have missed it, but you'd think UPS would do something in the city it was founded in.

I for one am going. It may be lame, but it's a one time event. I'd like to say I was there.

No offense, but I'm very tired of the bickering. Yes, UPS gives us our pay and bennies. Yes, the management have been bad at times as well. So have the rank and file. Guess what? We both need to co exist. We give well more then is given to us. Yes, we choose to stay here because of the pay, bennies, and the job (I actually love my job). We also give up alot of kids sporting events, family events, Christmas plays, etc. The hours we give is alot. But we choose to give it. We don't need that rubbed in our face that we're being paid to compensate that. Alot of us have paid a price in our bodies too. Prices we won't ever get compensated back for. Funny how one moment I have a supervisor tell me "I don't know how you can do this job at our age, let alone with your permanent injuries", then next minute I get "You need to step up production". I think it's stuff like this that makes employees "disgruntled". I can also see managements point. It's the one bad apple spoils the bunch scenerio. One employee works the system (and yes, they are out there) and the rest of us get a blanket statement made about us. It's human nature.

Now, if only we could come together in the middle. Would be a nice thought.


United Parcel Survivor
Damm Sammie, I wasn't aware you and your husband weren't compensated for the 62 years of your lives that you DONATED to UPS. It seems the highest hourly pay rate in the industry, and the excellent benefits you recieved for those 62 years wasn't fair compensation If that were the case, why did you continue to DONATE for that length of time?

A week consists of 7 day of 24 hours each. That is a total of 168 hours. I find it hard to believe that any non management UPSer spends 85 hours or more a week at work. I think there are labor laws the would restict that situation.

if you want to quote then quote the main point of what she wrote. here, i'll do it for you...........

"I'm not complaining about something as insipid as the lack of keggers or open bars or vacation give aways. I'm just truly embarrassed that on the 100th anniversary of this company, and considering the tremendous work ethic that it's people bring forth, that this company couldn't provide a more gracious thank you in return for those of you who bust your a**e* each and every day."


Well-Known Member
The dog and pony show came to Denver yesterday. We didn't go but a retired UPS manager friend of ours and his wife stopped by our house on their way back from the event.

According to local management at the "party", the road show is hoping that more and more people attend each event as time progresses. Wherever the last one happened to be, (I forgot where they said it was) 3800 people attended it, and as of 4:00 p.m. yesterday, over 5000 people showed up at this one.

It was catered by a local BBQ restaurant and the food was excellent. UPS hats, T shirts, tote bags, etc. were for sale and they were snapped up in minutes. Thousands of these things could have been sold but only a few were available.

Shame on me and no offense meant towards anyone's ethnicity here, but my friends said the event looked like an occasion in Mexico City. The attendance was mostly hispanic. My friends sat at a table next to another table, both of which contained 19 members of one family. None of them spoke a word of English. It was the family of one of the UPS cleaning crew guys (none of them speaks English) and the family included everybody from great grandma & grandpa in their wheel chairs to all of this person's siblings and their kids.

Free lunch, anyone???

Nobody saw hide nor hair of Mikey but with that many people around, I'm sure he was there somewhere...


Raw Member
If you've noticed every year on Founders Day (UPS's anniversaries) how the free cookouts we get are less
and less "grand"....And the thing is, that's most likely
a business expense that can be written off anyway.:sad:
It`s bad enough I have to work with these jokers, I`d hate to go to a cook-out with them also! I think I`ll pass on it.:bored: