So 34 dollars isn't the same in New York? Tell me something I don't know. So what you are saying is you deserve more than I do in Ohio? Part time to full time has always been the goal. There are a lot of opportunities to go full time. Times differ in different locations. When I was a part timer for years I worked as a garbage man meat cutter dock worker and landscaper. I also drove for interstate brands. I would take the job I have now over all these occupations. The job I have pays 30% more at a minimum and the benefits are far better as well. I went last weekend and bought a 38thousand dollar Chevy traverse. The teamster and ups have made a good life for this Ohio guy. Am I supposed to feel for you because you reside in New York that's like me being mad because you have the Yankees and Giants. Cost of living is not my problem and I don't think you deserve more compensation than I because of geography. What's your point?