Central supplement


Fight the power.


File! File! File!

After a request was made for the OT to be reduced.

The Central Region language is now a moot point, since the 2013-2018 contract the Central

falls under Article 37. And, the rest of the country can thank the Central.... since we have had

9.5 language for 40 years. (it used to be 10 hours)

All full-time employees get 2 10 minute breaks per report.

Always have.


That is interesting.
Im the alternate steward in a small shop trying to learn the Ropes. I was a steward on preload but started FT last September.
I was told by my BA the only way I could do anything about the overtime was to get on the 9.5 list. However at the bottom of seniority and his interpretation of 9.5 list its virtually impossible. Unfortunately my 2 upper stewards just consult with the BA and do whatever he says.

Frankie's Friend

Where is that at? I've only got 1 10 min paid break.
After further review...

A.) Says all employees shall receive 1 ten min break.


B.) Says that employees that presently enjoy 2 ten minute breaks...

So it alludes to the members who are employed at that time get 2 pd breaks.
The question was... do future workers not yet employed get 2.
How bout that @BigUnionGuy ?
Define presently.
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Please hurry.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member




I cant believe that you support concessions .
You get two breaks as a full timer in your region and you thought you were losing this. I really don't have the patience to explain anything else to you. Its hurting my fingers and my mind. If you could find it in your heart, feel free to ignore me, please. Thank you for any help in this matter that you can provide.

Frankie's Friend

You get two breaks as a full timer in your region and you thought you were losing this. I really don't have the patience to explain anything else to you. Its hurting my fingers and my mind. If you could find it in your heart, feel free to ignore me, please. Thank you for any help in this matter that you can provide.
Mr. @Tony Q , please back up and read. No apology necessary.

A. We get 2 ten minute breaks. Always have.

B.) UPSChuck said they only get 1.

C.) The contract says those that presently get 2 will not lose that right. (Paraphrased).

D.) I dont feel the need to put anyone on ignore since USNY wannabe management allegedly left.

E.) You can put me on ignore anytime you feel the need.

friend.) If it gets really stressful for ya you can put yourself on ignore.