Certified Mail?! Send it Back!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Yes it is because that's how nice ladies behave.


Huge Member
Worked here over seven years as a second job for the insurance. Found out a certified letter was sent to a former address, which now sits in my local post office awaiting a two-hour wait in line in addition to a signature. Yes, I procrastinated on submitting change-of-address info when I moved so let's not get into that. Does anyone have any idea what a certified letter from a company too cheap to provide Sharpies and working tape guns might consist of? To my knowledge, I'm not in any kind of trouble.

Were you on comp recently ???
Liberty Mutual will send some paperwork if you were.

Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
You aren't privy to the passive-agressive means of retaliation they pull on folks who file grievances at my hub. And I'm at my full-time job right now. No time for lengthy phone calls. I didn't post here seeking reassurance or condolences. Just wanted a question answered. And I hope it's a termination letter as well. Because I won't have to work with asshats like you anymore.


Well-Known Member
The dilemma is the fact I have some (supposed) warning letter waiting for me that I have no time to screw with picking up. I'm at UPS five days a week. Why mail me anything when you could just hand the freakin' thing to me?!

Warning letters are sent to the employees home address on record because 99% of the time their spouses have no idea what is going on at work and the thought process is that the spouse will get the employee back on track.