so that he can fade out of the headlines quicklyDon't get me wrong, I DO NOT like Charlie Rangel one bit, but the other day when he used the point of privilege to speak in congress ......I had to agree with him when he pleaded , "don't leave me hanging out to dry 'til November." He said he was 80 yrs. old and may not live that long.
He wants a fast hearing and right now.
OMG ! He walked out of his hearing !!
Your spelling's not bad, but your syntax dealing with punctuation and capitalization is terrible.This guy (charlie rangel) is unbeliveable how he has the nerve to go up in front of the congress on some long winded B.S speech.Listen charlie you have been ripping off the goverment for as long as you have been there the ride is over.Its a real shame it took this long to catch you but never the less you're caught.Resign your seat do not pass go and go directly to jail.Cheryl after you read this can you check it for spelling errors thanks
Hmmm. Wonder if DeLay will go down this easily.
Hmmm. Wonder if DeLay will go down this easily.
I would really like to see Maxine Waters go down hard! She makes my stomach turn inside out. Give me a few minutes and I will tell you how I really feel! LOL!