Yeah, the elderly are running around killing service men and women and robbing stores, and kidnapping and gang-raping people at gunpoint.
Oh wait, no the hell they're not. Liberals inability (or denial) of who are the people who ACTUALLY commit most of this countries crimes and murders is sad and VERY misguided.
They blame GUN LAWS, or LOOPHOLES, or OLD PEOPLE for all that is wrong in the country, yet they'll turn a blind eye to the FACTS (there goes TOS) that your Urban areas (yes, where there are black people) ie., Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles are where your highest areas of crime are. These citizens aren't committing crime because of lack of job opportunities or a confederate flag. They do it because they're DRUG dealers and gang members with wrap sheets as long as my body (I'm almost 6.5' tall), you can say this is because I'm "Racist, in the klan, an a-hole" (only the third is true, btw), but to say that doesn't make these #blacklivesmatter while gang members continue executing each other in record numbers. Blacklivesmatter is horse crap, and so are the schmucks that interrupt traffic to hold up their stupid signs. That being said, I have never ended ONE black life, and these idiots with their signs protesting "the white man" are then going back to their hoods to sell drugs and shoot people who look at them wrong or owe them money.
But yes, we MUST disarm the senior citizen who served his country in war and now doesn't want to be killed by some hood booger who see's an "easy mark"
I say arm the elderly! Three of my grandparents have died, but if my grandfather (who's 92) wants to arm himself with a mack 10 to prevent HIS death, I would welcome that. Hell, I'll even buy him some ammo for the thing.
How many stories do you hear about elderly people being killed in their "golden years" by some ghetto clown? Well, if they were armed, that might not happen so regularly if Nana came to the door with a double barrel shotgun.