You and I have already had this dance before, and no matter how many times you try to step on my toes, I have to correct you.
First, lets deal with your first assertion...
"Far more people are killed in drunk driving accidents than by guns."
Of course, only a gun freak would think this is true, and of course, it isnt. In 17 states in 2014, GUN deaths out paced automobile deaths including in YOUR STATE of OREGON.
As firearm deaths and automobile deaths converge, the trend is changing to GUNS killing more people than cars BRO. You might want to ditch that tired old NRA bullcrap that cars kill more people than guns.
Lets deal with your second assertion...
"If I sell a car to a person who goes out a month later and gets drunk and kills someone with that car, am I responsible?"
Of course, this is a stupid question as a whole, but it needs qualifying... First, if you sold the car and DID NOT re-register the car, and sign off on liability, as well as selling it to a driver WITHOUT a valid drivers license or under the age of 18..
You bet your ash you would be responsible for the accident.
Thats why you fill out the dmv REGISTRATION forms which includes a RELEASE OF LIABILITY form in it. That way, you WOULDNT be responsible.
And the best assertion of them all is this one..
"If I sell a gun to a person who goes out a month later and kills someone with it, am I responsible?"
YES, and you SHOULD BE. You should be considered an ACCESSORY to any homocide with a gun that YOU sold without checking an ID, completing a background check and registering the gun.
You should be punished to ONE year for every person killed with that weapon.
Just because you want to circumvent the legality of checking someones background before selling them a gun, doesnt mean you escape responsibility.
You can pretend to be blind to the intentions of the buyer, and if the gun YOU sold ends up shooting kids in a school, then you should be prosecuted and sentence to jail.
This is how we can control guns and help to prevent them ending up in the wrong hands, but we all know, you gun freaks wouldnt have that for ONE SECOND, because that brings the prices of the Straw buyer guns DOWN, and thats bad for business.
If every person who sold a gun had to do the same as licensed dealers, there would be no MARK up on guns and no blackmarket for gangs.
Its guys like YOU sober, that I would like to see out of the gun sellling business.
That chump change you make selling guns without registration or records will eventually end up in a killing someplace, and it cant be traced back to you.
Thats the real problem with gun laws.
You and anyone else who thinks that selling guns privately is a good thing for society.