You know pickup. I'll go back to work when I want to.
I don't know why a lot of people in society think less of a person, because he takes a break from work around the 50year mark.
I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying my trips.
Do, I really need to wait until I'm 65, old and grey (hopefully have no walking problems), to travel like I did this year ?
I think everyone should (if they could, or have the opportunity), to do the same as myself.
I might not even live until retirement, like many others don't.
So, atleast I got this little break in my life, and again... I'm enjoying it.
You only live once, you know ?
Speaking of that, I got asked by a Calgarian in Cuba, how I can afoord to take this break and come here, etc.
I told him, that when I worked, I put $1100 a mth away into savings, ever since my house was paid off.
Was saving for early retirement.
He gave me tons of credit, because that's exactly what he did, and retired at age 55.
And that was my plan, too.
Other people go out on a spending spree, buy new cars, maybe a boat, etc... once house is paid...
Nope, I just continued living with as little as I was always used to, knowing I will benefit from it, sooner or later.
Early retirement has always been my wish.