Cheney Now Admits To Giving The Order To Shoot Down US Airliner on 9/11


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Just playing the devils advocate here, but if Im the Commander In Chief and I am told that (a) highjacked arliners have already crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and (b) that there are more highjacked airliners incoming, then I wouldnt hesitate to order them blown out of the sky. Sorry, but if you have to kill 300 to save 3000 then thats what you have to do.


Well-Known Member
A Leader is required to make DIFFICULT decisions --- not just keep kicking the plane down the road .

The decision itself may well have been the correct one but are you missing the deeper point here? On Sept. 16th 2001, Cheney appeared on Meet the Press with Tim Russert and the conversation went like this.

Vice President Cheney: “Well, the — I suppose the toughest decision was this question of whether or not we would intercept incoming commercial aircraft.”
NBC’s Tim Russert: “And you decided?”
Cheney: “We decided to do it. We’d, in effect, put a flying combat air patrol up over the city; friend-16s with an AWACS, which is an airborne radar system, and tanker support so they could stay up a long time…
“It doesn’t do any good to put up a combat air patrol if you don’t give them instructions to act, if, in fact, they feel it’s appropriate.”
Russert: “So if the United States government became aware that a hijacked commercial airline[r] was destined for the White House or the Capitol, we would take the plane down?”
Cheney: “Yes. The president made the decision … that if the plane would not divert … as a last resort, our pilots were authorized to take them out. Now, people say, you know, that’s a horrendous decision to make. Well, it is. You’ve got an airplane full of American citizens, civilians, captured by … terrorists, headed and are you going to, in fact, shoot it down, obviously, and kill all those Americans on board?

At the same time, witnesses on the ground in Pa. reported seeing a military jet yet the gov't continued to deny any military jet in the area. Some people who alleged 93 may have been shotdown were met with scorn for suggesting much less thinking out gov't would do this. Now it turns out the gov't did and those wacko conspiracy theorist were right on that point.

So why in those years in power was this not owned and yet now Cheney finds it timely to own it? And in the Fox News video of Cheney with Mike Wallace, Cheney seems to totally own this as if Bush was out of the command loop. Cheney admits the orders came from him and yet no transfer of power from Bush to Cheney had taken place. With Russert in 2001' it was "WE" did this, "WE" did that and now it's "I" did this, "I" did that. Dowd wasn't reporting anything new so much as the fact that the story had thus changed again suggesting Bush was instead out of the loop making Cheney's 2001' statement of "we" false.

Are we to believe that Air Force #1 had lost total ability to communicate with the command structure? Are we thus even to assume Bush even had no means of launching a nuke strike had such measures been necessary? Either all we've been told about technology is utterly false on it's face or it raises the specter that was Bush on purpose kept out of the command loop? Another loopy conspiracy theory that evidence now seems to have given legs too.

The decision to shoot down or not IMO is not the heart of the issue, the heart of the issue is why say one thing all those years ago and now the story changes yet once again? Why not own it all from the start? Doesn't mean the passengers did not bring down the aircraft but at least the people have the truth. Unless the truth would open doors others don't won't opened?

Funny Island that you accuse Washington of having snakes present now and yet you won't consider the fact that Washington has been infested with snakes all along regardless of which party is in power. Telling, very telling!


Well-Known Member

You obviously are too busy posting to read and understand most posts.

When G.W. was still in office --long before the Tea party --I was in long discusssions with some guy Diesel 96 --about the need for real change and a powerful third party.

I was and still continue to insist we close ALL military bases around the world and bring the troops home --to nation build here --not elsewhere.

I continue to battle TOS ---that if him and more joined forces --The politicians would truly "serve" us ----SO --Please do not give me that Partisan crap that I am only against Obama----next you will claim I am a racist or Homophob ----Telling very telling !!!

You seem to do a pretty good job of living in the past with TOS ---who gives a Crap about what Cheney said a dozen years ago --Do we not face enough problems in THE CURRENT EVENTS OF today ?????

The real shame is on ME for trying to justify myself to you.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

You obviously are too busy posting to read and understand most posts.

When G.W. was still in office --long before the Tea party --I was in long discusssions with some guy Diesel 96 --about the need for real change and a powerful third party.

I was and still continue to insist we close ALL military bases around the world and bring the troops home --to nation build here --not elsewhere.

I continue to battle TOS ---that if him and more joined forces --The politicians would truly "serve" us ----SO --Please do not give me that Partisan crap that I am only against Obama----next you will claim I am a racist or Homophob ----Telling very telling !!!

You seem to do a pretty good job of living in the past with TOS ---who gives a Crap about what Cheney said a dozen years ago --Do we not face enough problems in THE CURRENT EVENTS OF today ?????

The real shame is on ME for trying to justify myself to you.


ISLAND, the past is the "real problem". Those two wars after the "attack" on us soil put this country into the deepest recession in history since the great depression. What CHENEY now says is KEY to finging out the truth of 9/11.

The story changed over and over and over while Cheney and Bush were in office. TENS of thousands of people lost their lives because of these two men.

Flight 93 has always been something of a mystery. No wreckage, no bodies, no luggage, no airplane parts.. In history, only three times has this ever occured in aviation history, and coincidentally, they all happend on 9/11.

Every other plane crash in history has wreckage, debris, bodies.

Now Cheney wants to say "HE" was in charge? He made the call? Where was bush? Still reading my pet goat on air force one?

Let me ask you a serious question. It involves science. Please try to answer it without referring to political rhetoric or steering towards popular mechanics.

Use you own common sense.

Why if, two planes, one hitting the pentagon at 400 mph disappears completely and explained as "vaporizing" because of the high heat, and considering that jet fuel burns at 1100 degrees, and the toughest parts of the plane are made of titanium and that melts at over 3500 degrees, and another plane leaves altitude at 30000 feet and plummets into the ground, also "vaporizing" and leaving no parts at 400mph and when you compare these two plane wrecks to the space shuttle...

Coming back to earth in constant heat ranging in the tens of thousands of degrees for a sustained period at 25000 mph, and the space shuttle because of the friction and high heat ranges breaks apart and crashes to earth...

Why is it, that NASA was able to recover the wings, landing gear, computers, seats, instruments, body panels, tail sections, wires, framing, windows and even BODIES.

From a science perspective, dont you find it odd, that two planes could vaporize completely in heat topping out at 1150 degrees max for a short period of time, along with the bodies and luggage and the space shuttle in extreme heat over alonger period of time could almost be completely recovered?

Further, of the 4 aircraft, only 1 black box was recovered, so what happened to all the black boxes that are found in every other plane crash in history? ON the flipside, the Bush administration said it found a passport of one of the hijackers in pristine condition at the crashsite and yet the black boxes that are made almost indestructable were never found. Lets see, paper passport, pristine condition, indestructable black boxes lost.

Use your common sense and think about it.




Well-Known Member
If only as much COMMON SENSE were spent on Today's problems --The Country and its people would be much better off.

Think about it. Fifth year !!!


If only as much COMMON SENSE were spent on Today's problems --The Country and its people would be much better off.

Think about it. Fifth year !!!
I don't disagree. However
(1) the past, past mistakes, learning from the past aren't important? I always thought that the best way to move on from something is to figure out what actually happened, why it happened, how it happened - and the best way to prevent something like that in the future.

(2) you engage people in this thread, yet don't add anything nor entertain any of the questions posed. That's weird.


Well-Known Member

I also do not disagree --learn from past mistakes --but there are PEOPLE that LIVE there.

Even in this country there is a statute of limitations. If Cheney Lied about giving the order --SO WHAT ??? I PERSONALLY DO NOT CARE. nOT A "CURRENT EVENT"

Did Obama lie about Bengazi --WHO knows ?? But the transparency that HE promised and has not delivered --is alot more current and revelant.

I could yell and scream about JFK and LBJ 's vietnam war --but whats the point??

If your shop stewart or Supervisor keeps blaming bad decisions fron people eight to ten years ago --who would care.

The decisions NOW are whats revelant.

Entertaintain the Question posed ??? Whether Cheney lied or not ??? WHO CARES.

P.S. We cannot find out what happened from our Government this Sept 11th --How will you find out about sept 11th --a dozen years ago.

If you still want to continue to argue about who Shot Kennedy --you are free to do so --NOT A VERY CURRENT EVENT !! Opps I meant Cheney Lying:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
IN 2016 when Cheney announces his Candidacy for President of the United States --I promise to look into whether he lied or not.

When Hillary announces her Candidacy for President of the United Statesin 2016 ---will TOS promise the same ??

Common sense ??

When Senator Obama said our National debt was UNPATRIOTIC !!! Compared to President Obama -adding to the debt --Claims not a big problem today ??? !!

Who was lying ?? The Senator or the President ?? Never mind --only Bush and CHENEY LIE ?????

Looks like no one has learned anything from the "past"


If your shop stewart or Supervisor keeps blaming bad decisions fron people eight to ten years ago --who would care.

The decisions NOW are whats revelant.
This is a terrible example. Deals between mgmt and union go as "past practice", therefore it's critical to get it right. But eh, you're out of the loop now regarding UPS.

True, none of this is current events for most of us. But if you ask the families of those involved who lost loved ones or were negatively affected by a histrionic, haphazard and unnecessary war. I would guess it's a "current event" for life.


Well-Known Member
???? "Deals" "Past Practice " ??

While they exist --your narrow world seems to leave out Contracts and Change and thousands of other options----better get to hall ASAP and tell him to stop wasting his time.

LEADERSHIP --when you get a chance -look up the definition and then you can re-think my example.

I was at a UPS function where a ups part time worker who was a S---HSE lawyer --thought he knew everything about Ups , the Union the drivers job, union officers, upper mgmt --knew it all-even though the only job he had was a part-timer-- Told the older and wiser retired gentleman that he was "out of the loop"
The lesson learned that day by the know it all part-timer----Ron Carey politely introduced himself!!!! Eh !:happy-very:

I have heard many ,many family members speak out concerning their loved ones and 911. Yes always a current event --we can at least agree on that --but after extensive investigations and even info --the family members were privately privi to --they remember their loved ones as heroes:wink2: