Well-Known Member
Two out of three ain't bad.
Very true if you exist in LA-LA LAND.
Two out of three ain't bad.
A Leader is required to make DIFFICULT decisions --- not just keep kicking the plane down the road .
Vice President Cheney: “Well, the — I suppose the toughest decision was this question of whether or not we would intercept incoming commercial aircraft.”
NBC’s Tim Russert: “And you decided?”
Cheney: “We decided to do it. We’d, in effect, put a flying combat air patrol up over the city; friend-16s with an AWACS, which is an airborne radar system, and tanker support so they could stay up a long time…
“It doesn’t do any good to put up a combat air patrol if you don’t give them instructions to act, if, in fact, they feel it’s appropriate.”
Russert: “So if the United States government became aware that a hijacked commercial airline[r] was destined for the White House or the Capitol, we would take the plane down?”
Cheney: “Yes. The president made the decision … that if the plane would not divert … as a last resort, our pilots were authorized to take them out. Now, people say, you know, that’s a horrendous decision to make. Well, it is. You’ve got an airplane full of American citizens, civilians, captured by … terrorists, headed and are you going to, in fact, shoot it down, obviously, and kill all those Americans on board?
Read more at Was United Flight 93shot down on Sept. 11?
The real shame is on ME for trying to justify myself to you.
You obviously are too busy posting to read and understand most posts.
When G.W. was still in office --long before the Tea party --I was in long discusssions with some guy Diesel 96 --about the need for real change and a powerful third party.
I was and still continue to insist we close ALL military bases around the world and bring the troops home --to nation build here --not elsewhere.
I continue to battle TOS ---that if him and more joined forces --The politicians would truly "serve" us ----SO --Please do not give me that Partisan crap that I am only against Obama----next you will claim I am a racist or Homophob ----Telling very telling !!!
You seem to do a pretty good job of living in the past with TOS ---who gives a Crap about what Cheney said a dozen years ago --Do we not face enough problems in THE CURRENT EVENTS OF today ?????
The real shame is on ME for trying to justify myself to you.
I don't disagree. HoweverIf only as much COMMON SENSE were spent on Today's problems --The Country and its people would be much better off.
Think about it. Fifth year !!!
This is a terrible example. Deals between mgmt and union go as "past practice", therefore it's critical to get it right. But eh, you're out of the loop now regarding UPS.If your shop stewart or Supervisor keeps blaming bad decisions fron people eight to ten years ago --who would care.
The decisions NOW are whats revelant.