cherry coke


Senior Member
I worked at a pharmacy after I graduated from high school. One of my duties was to work the counter as a soda jerk. Remember those cone shaped cups with the holders? It was amazing what people would drink . Cherry cokes and vanilla Cokes were run of the mill. One customer always ordered Coke with milk . Another always got Bromo Seltzer in his chocolate milkshake:sick:(we had a dispenser that held a large, upside down bottle, remember those?). People would also come in and buy straight Coke syrup.
Bromo Seltzer, man, oh, man we are old.
Yes, I remember it.
The Seltzer water from the tap was a main stay for the old folks.
I could not stand the stuff, but I would shine shoes and watch them savor it.
They told me it was a health tonic.


free at last.......
Remember phosphates?? Lime phosphate was my fav.

When I was a kid, I used to go to the local pharmacy and get a chocolate phosphate regularly. A few years ago I found a place that made them. I got one and either they weren't the same or my taste has changed. I couldn't drink it. It was awful.

I guess some memories are better left in the past.


free at last.......
Funny you all should mention Woolworth's. A friend of mine sent me an e-mail of the old menu from the counter. Banana Splits $.35. The prices were from the late 50's and amazing!!

Sorry, I deleted it, or I'd send it here.

The ideal world would be today's wages with the 50's prices for all of our goods. Dreaming!

It could be that way again. But your banana split would come from China and those that imported it would have to live with a normal profit margin.:wink2:

I remember my dad used to love chocolate milk shakes. He would buy a "dollar" shake and I swear it was the size of a small bucket of chicken. I never could figure out where he put it as he was a fairly slender man. Now that same shake would probably set you back about $10.