Children's Mental Disorders and the Decline of Play


Well-Known Member
My only question is why you refer to your (step?) son as "your wife's son".

GOOD CATCH! I was wondering how long it would take before some anal retentive, PC monitor would get that!

How about this? When one of the kids or family do something goofy, it's THEIR kid. When they do something OUTSTANDING, they're MY kid.

By the way, how do you know it WAS a "step" son? I NEVER use that term to describe ANYBODY. PC enough for ya? I hope so.


Inordinately Right
One also fosters obesity, while the other encourages exercise and the outdoors.

Creativity is great. But who cares how creative you are if you're a 28 year old live with your parents gamer, who by the by weighs in at 300 pounds.
True. But on the other spectrum, who cares how fit you are if you're a 28 year old who needs a fistful of anxiety and depression meds just to get through the day.

Growing up in the 90's we all played every sport, and filled the rest of our time with other organized activities, everything from karate to piano etc. It didn't leave much time for free play. Parents really hover over all these activities, and kids don't get much time to just be kids.

I think parents are afraid that if kids are given unsupervised free time they will only get into trouble. There's a balance that can be struck I think. Sadly gaming is some of the only free play kids get these days.


Engorged Member
Depends on your definition of "play".
I'd say an hour of a child playing Minecraft would much more qualify as play, than an hour spent doing drills on fundamentals at soccer practice. One is mindless drilling of technique, one fosters creativity and originality.
It's not so simple as to just blame technology.

I've seen kids do some pretty amazing things with Minecraft. My kids have access to technology, but it is limited, and they don't have smartphones either. Tech is the future, so taking it away entirely is anti-productive, and would probably make your kids social pariahs.

If moreluck had a computer back when the Titanic sank, she'd have spent less time on kick the can, Red Rover, and tag, and more on Minecraft, which is pretty amazing as long as your kid doesn't get obsessed with it.


nowhere special
Looking at the responses, seems you are now a part of a very small minority! ;)

Agree that it was rather interesting.

I read it and probably most other people read it. Are you just unhappy because you didn't get the responses you desired?

I Am Jacks Damaged Box

***** Club Member (can't talk about it)
Our school district did away with recess years ago.


Well-Known Member
The best part is that you know it's a bear trap and you jump in anyway.

Actually tip of the hat to Trick as he stated he had not read the article. That's cool and goes a long way with me.