for all you fatties:
What’s the Best Diet for Weight Loss? | Center for Science in the Public Interest
What advice do you have for people while we’re waiting for more results?
At the moment, it’s still going to boil down to eat less added sugars. Whether you do low-carb or low-fat, when we focus on quality, we ask everybody to eliminate added sugars to the degree possible.
That means less processed packaged food and more cooking. I tell people to go to farmers markets more, because those words are somehow more intuitive than telling them to add up how many grams of unsaturated fat, how many grams of fish oil, how many grams of fiber, soluble or insoluble, glycemic index or load…my brain’s on overload.
So what’s the best diet for weight loss? I say “Go to the farmers market and buy what’s fresh.”
What’s the Best Diet for Weight Loss? | Center for Science in the Public Interest
What advice do you have for people while we’re waiting for more results?
At the moment, it’s still going to boil down to eat less added sugars. Whether you do low-carb or low-fat, when we focus on quality, we ask everybody to eliminate added sugars to the degree possible.

That means less processed packaged food and more cooking. I tell people to go to farmers markets more, because those words are somehow more intuitive than telling them to add up how many grams of unsaturated fat, how many grams of fish oil, how many grams of fiber, soluble or insoluble, glycemic index or load…my brain’s on overload.
So what’s the best diet for weight loss? I say “Go to the farmers market and buy what’s fresh.”