Chris Christie Says Capitol Riot 'Driven From the Top'


Inordinately Right
Every day that passes we get to see more evidence of a systematic uses of lies and disinformation by Trump supporting Republican's and right wing media to disguise their disgust with democracy. They go from condemning the insurrection and pointing the finger at Trump on Jan 6th to later attempting to rewrite the narrative. Stolen election, tourist, false flag, Antifa, liberal media, run up any flag and see who salutes...etc.

The latest evidence comes from their own mouths. Kevin McCarthy's text's and emails give a glaring insight into the minds of those that were there on the ground and what they saw and who they blamed and demand action from. It wasn't Antifa or any FBI produced false flag or the liberal media. It was Donald Trump period! What Liz Cheney has been saying is backed up by testimony and documentation.

What we have been seeing from the far right and its main media outlet, Fox News, is a concerted actions to deny an attempted coup had taken place on Jan 6th. What theses new documents are saying is that many Republican's in congress were actually in on it. Tucker Carlson produced piece "Patriot Purge" now is seen as patently and purposed disinformation propaganda.

So long as we have a population of voters in this country that refuses to acknowledge truth and realty that is researchable and verifiably (testimony, documents, text and emails are such things) for what they "feel" is the truth, we are doom to a path of self-destruction and secession.

Ironically its been Republican's and Red States that have barked the most about secession but the opposite may become the realty. Blue States secession. The US becoming something like a post Soviet style Russian Republic Confederation of States. Having joint military defense pacts but also being sovereign nations.

That would be bad news for Red States and Republicans because Trump voters only represent 29% of the GDP. Which is why you don't hear a lot of secession talk from Republicans anymore. They figure they can just gerrymander state elections and apply voter suppression into a one party rule, their rule, in perpetuity. That will work until the volume of those who vote against Republican is so great, and yet gain no seats, makes Democrats and Blue States throw their hands up and take their 71% of the GDP and wave bye bye to the fanatical, lie loving, fascists worshiping, racist right wing white supremist.

Having a right wing partisan Supreme Court lose its credibility is already occurring as we speak. The Supreme Court has no army to enforce it edicts.

Frank Bruni, in his opinion piece in the New York Times, rip's the veneer off of Fox News creditability and expose its role in peddling disinformation and wholesale lies to an eager public that simply doesn't care about any real fact's and only has an appetite for "feel facts".

Cool delusional rant bro.