Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
That's the damm truth! He was no conservative.
He should have bee liked by the liberals because in the end he was the most liberal "conservative" ever. Still not as bad as our current "Spender and Chief."
That's the damm truth! He was no conservative.
it's almost ironic as Bush positioning himself as a fiscal conservative and then running budget deficits that alienated him from other fiscal conservatives of his party.
He should have bee liked by the liberals because in the end he was the most liberal "conservative" ever. Still not as bad as our current "Spender and Chief."
I think the gecko is very Hawaiian-ish. Maybe I should've written.....
Mele Kalikamaka !!!
Hawaiians will find a gecko on their wall indoors and not touch it because they'll say it kills the bugs.
Pssst Pickup... Bush is gone. Obama is now the president. His turn to get reamed for for being a hypocrite. Enjoy.
Psst Tie...The clean up after any Republican Admin takes at least one full Presidential term. In Bush's case, it may take two terms !
They're coming to take you away,
Haha, they're coming to take you away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And you'll be happy to see
Those nice young men
In their clean white coats
And they're coming to take you AWAY,
So we now agree that Clinton was responsible for 9/11 and the resulting recession?
Look at it as a relay race, Clinton handed off the baton to Bush jr in first place, however, Bush drop it. Then Bush jr handed off the baton to Obama in dead last place with such an insurmountable lead, now his critics expect Obama to catch up with 1 lap(yr) complete, in a 8 lap(yr) race.
Now you're dancing. Bush can use the same argument you're making here in that he got drawn into a war due to Clinton leaving him a foriegn policy/ national security mess.
In fact the mess was so big that Bush was never able to get it cleaned up therefore Obama really inherited Clintons mess.
Using your logic we have now Obama cleaning up Clintons mess.
"Iraq" ....Clinton's war...lol
Look who's doing the Texas two step, sugarcoating the woes of the father and son tag team of Bush Sr and Jr and ultimately embellishing Hollywood's Ron Reagan's acadamy award role as POTUS. But I understand, like Reagan, your memory fails you....