Cigarette Vending Machines


Never bought my own handtruck
I used to smoke cigarettes while tending bar and drinking whiskey all night. Then after last call I’d go home with the drunkest girl standing and make her breakfast the next morning.


Retired 23 years
We had one in our center 1.50 a pack
I believe I have told the story on here about living in an apartment in Minneapolis in the late 60's next to a gas station where they had an cig machine that required 5 nickles for a pack. It didn't take us hooligans long to discover that if you put one nickle in it and jiggled the handle it gave you a pack.


Retired 23 years
did you smoke em ??
Or Hawk em ??
you juvenile delinquent !!
It was kind of funny because the kid who worked the night shift would have us guys "watch" the station while he would get his girlfriend in his car, drive it on the hoist and have us raise it up in the air so he could "get some". When he was done he would yell at us to bring him down. In the mean time we had stocked up on cigs, candy bars and pop. We once (for a joke) stole the gumball machine out of the station and had it in our apartment when he came over after work. He didn't think that was too funny. We did return that.


Big Kahuna Burger
There is one here leftover from the late 80’s - early 90’s. They switched the cigarettes out with gloves in 1996. During the pandemic it’s been full of masks. The gloves used to be $2, now the masks are $1. This machine is ancient. I wonder where they found someone to come in a reprogram the prices. No one even buys the masks since we can get free ones from the office.

The old timers like to talk about how they were getting ripped off by that old cigarette machine, in 1991 a soft pack of Winstons was $3.50 out of the machine. At a convenience store they were under $3.
I guess the vending machine was more convenient. So they charged you for that fee.


All Trash No Trailer
I play in a weekend Bar band and ciggarette Machines still exist in the wonderful places we perform.I think they go for about$10 a pack for marlboros

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
When I was a kid people use to smoke in the grocery stores. I remember people looking over the meat coolers with a cigarette hanging out their mouth. Movie theaters was a blanket of fog from all the smoke. I remember we would go to the local donut store and when you ate the donuts you could smell the cigarette smoke in them. It was a nightmare for non smokers.
I used to play airplanes(plastic model airplane that smelled like smoke) in the den. Would hand fly the plane through the thick "clouds" of smoke....just like in the movies....think about that. My parent's did not give ANY consideration for their health or their kids. None.

Every road trip was spent with the windows fully up(maybe just cracked) as they chain smoked. My Dad took up cigars after his first heart attack and the house took on a duel cigar/cigarette stench.

Even before I could drive, my Mom would send me into the store for milk, bread and a carton of cigs......yeah at 10 yo. Never got turned down for cigarettes at any age.
I remember people smoking on airplanes when flying as a kid. 🤢

When I used to be in packages, I pissed off a few Christmas helpers when I wouldn’t let them smoke in my truck.

I’ve never smoked in my life and I hate cigarettes with every fiber of my existence. I’m so glad that smokers are no longer allowed to pollute the air that I breathe in most places.
My Mom died last year(80)......she had COPD. I generally quit going to visit her because I didn't want to be around the smoke and didn't have to. My Grandfather smoked until lung cancer killed him.....didn't like being around him either. Comical how he tried to hide it from my Grandmother....

And yet.....weed is being legalized....