The Glass- Steagal Act of 1933 was passed to prevent another "Great Depression".
The Republicans have been gutting the law ever since.
In 1980's the Republicans pushed through the Garn-St Germain deregulation with the help of some Democrats and we got the Savings and Loan collapse. Does the name Charles Keating ring a bell? He was a close personal friend of John McCain.
Then there are all of the laws pre-empting states rights to enact stronger laws protecting consumers. Then there are all the laws making it harder to prosecute or sue lenders for fraud or predatory lending.
Then [R] Phil Gramm, one of the biggest culprits, in 1999 pushed through Gramm-Leach-Bliley further deregulating and gutting the Glass-Steagal Act. He was not done just yet. He then pushed through the Commodities Futures Modernization Act on a lame duck congress on an omnibus appropriations bill deregulating derivatives trading. Does anyone remember ENRON? Gramm's wife was on the board at Enron.
Many Democrats voted for these piles of crap. However the Republicans were the majority, they were the ones pushing them through, they were the deregulators, the were the ones getting huge campaign contributions from finance, insurance, banking and real estate companies. The Republicans controled all 3 branches of government for 6 years. In fact the Republicans have controlled both the legislative branches for 12 of the past 14 years.
Yet is all the Democrats fault in less than 2 years. What a brainwashed person you must be. I agree that there are some Democratic faults. But to blame the economic crises on the Democrats when Bush still had veto power is absurd. The minimum wage had zero to do with the current crises. Remember that Republicans voted for the same legislation that helped create the sub-prime lending and investment with slack oversight that ALL the banks abused, not just the Freddie and Fannie banks.
Derivatives trading, credit default swaps, short sales and deregulation have only made the stock market legalized gambling with no money in the bank, no credit, no limits, no one at the wheel and no one keeping any thing honest.
These people are manipulating and speculating to the point they control the rise and fall of oil and energy prices, stock prices and so forth like a casino. The bets were all bad and yet nobody had the money to pay up when they went wrong!
This would be the same as handing the keys over to a habitual drunk driver who has a speeding problem to boot. Then tell him the speed limits are all gone, you need no proof of insurance or a CDL for that matter, the Police Force has been cut in half, then raise the alcohol blood level to .20 instead of .08 and the punishment for speeding is $1 per ticket and $5 per DUI with ZERO points on your license. There would need to be at least 5 witnesses of said crimes for there to be a conviction as well.