Classification seniority



When does classification seniority come-in to play vs. building senority? Please give examples.
Full time classification seniority would trump building seniority.
If you give more information on what you are trying to get answer to people can help easier

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
Part timer hired in 2000. Goes friend/t in 2010. Off street friend/t hired in 2005. Off street has more classification seniority. The other has building.


When does classification seniority come-in to play vs. building senority? Please give examples.

For example: If a part-time air driver gained classification senority before a combo air driver, can the combo air driver take the pt air driver's work?


promoted to mediocrity
For example: If a part-time air driver gained classification senority before a combo air driver, can the combo air driver take the pt air driver's work?
Combo air driver=full time

In general, full time seniority beats part time (regardless of actual seniority dates).

So in your example; the answer is probably yes, the combo air driver can "take the pt air driver's work".


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about Sat. air?

I thought part time air driving (letter boxes, airport) wasn't allowed under art.40 - it has to be attached to a full-time job.

Peppermint Patty

Cardboard Pusher
No more so combos fighting w part time air drivers on who gets pickups and extra work. Its more about greed than anything else. Throwing each other the bus. The rest of us work together but you always have a few bad apples in every group it seems.