BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Rednecks in Chicago shootin' n' firin' delivery drivers too.And their greatest fear of all?....Change....If that had been a middle aged white guy in a familiar trademark branded truck, what would have been the odds of him completing the transaction and leaving safely?....100% However in this case you had a black kid in an unmarked van completing a final mile delivery. A very common sight when found in a more advanced civilization. However, down there in Deliverance country where Charlie Redneck and Billy Joe Six Pack lack the education. brain activity and sobriety to be cognizant of the common practice by carriers to use rentals and temporary help. So when Charlie and Billy Joe saw something different, something that was a minor departure from their ignorant little worlds. as a matter of culture and upbringing they reach for the device that gives them the twisted sense of empowerment they've come to both trust and love.....Their guns.
The question will be, will this incident rise to the level of a federal hate crime? Well, it's Mississippi, therefore a 10 dollar fine and a bottle of Mad Dog 2020 suddenly shows up under the seat of the sheriff's car....and it will all be swept under the rug.
This incident should also send a clear signal to carriers not to send people out in unmarked rentals and going out there and deliver out of your personal vehicle.....you're just asking for it.