The problem is that it exists. If all these illegal aliens weren't allowed to stay, there would be more jobs for Americans, and less ILLEGAL people running the streets.
We know why they get to stay though, Barry loves these 5 million extra voters for his party
This is the classic excuse given by a typical neo right winger who would use the nword in his normal vocabulary.
The republicans since the late 60 INVITED illegal aliens to work in america. Year over year, including last year and this year, the republicans are once again asking for even MORE illegal workers brought across our borders to work in the USA. Once they are here, they start relationships with citizens already living here. In some cases, they start relationships with fellow illegal aliens.
Once a relationship starts, children are born. Those children are AMERICANS, like it or not. And since Hispanics (as an example) dont use birth control because they are good christians, they have multiple children. Now do some multiplying genius. 2.5 children times thousands of illegal guest workers equals what year over year??
Now that these "guest workers" have american children, who is to take care of them once you deport the parents?
This happens every year by the THOUSANDS.
All this aside, the republicans, trying to lay blame on the democrats, simply convince its drones, that OBAMA only wants them here for votes.
The record is clear, the republicans created the illegal alien problem and they will never accept blame for it, just as you wont.