Coast to coast UPS observations

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member

Keep updating in the future. LA to NY... wow! What a haul.

As you can see, my profile picture is where I was off too last month. How's it looking now to head from the West to the East in the family truckster? Rest areas open? Hotels open? Restaurants... gas? I'm looking to mask/glove up and head to Oak Island! I can get all the bottled water I can with bars of soap. You're right on sanitizer. I figure just ever clear and water with soap is fine. I'm not fancy.

What if any stumbling blocks do you see on a road trip like that, other than fresh water? The rest areas are my biggest concern. Other than... well you know. I can go pee off the road side. Yet, taking the dog with me and he needs those rest area/pet areas. Hoping all rest areas are open.

Going stir crazy waiting around for the virus to get me. On the good side I planned to be there during that crazed maniac went on a shooting rampage. Plan on just tooling around there... Newfoundland. Anywhere the weather is 70's. Oak Island is not open to the public & will be a tour and don't even know if tours are running now.

I don't know about Canada or way North East. My experience: Most restaurants are closed. Fast food drive throughs and most truck stops can offer whatever is inside with stupid social distancing and no seating. Weird. Now remember, this is from a big truck perspective-we don't venture in town. Locally, there are a few restaurants open with limited seating, very few. Rest stops to even just plain parking areas are hit and miss. Depends on the state. I wouldn't count on ANYTHING. I wouldn't embark on ANY pleasure/driving/flying trip or vacation ANYWHERE in the U.S. Most hotels along the interstates look sparsely attended. Very dystopian. With California threatening a lockdown for the foreseeable future, I wouldn't visit there under any circumstance. Remember, just last week, Gallup New Mexico closed it's whole town! Armed guards blocked all entrances to the town! Just like in some weird Outbreak movie. Very weird. We went right through there. Yet, just outside the city limits-somewhat normalcy. So, given all that, why in the world anyone would take a summer road trip now is baffling to me.

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
I don't know about Canada or way North East. My experience: Most restaurants are closed. Fast food drive throughs and most truck stops can offer whatever is inside with stupid social distancing and no seating. Weird. Now remember, this is from a big truck perspective-we don't venture in town. Locally, there are a few restaurants open with limited seating, very few. Rest stops to even just plain parking areas are hit and miss. Depends on the state. I wouldn't count on ANYTHING. I wouldn't embark on ANY pleasure/driving/flying trip or vacation ANYWHERE in the U.S. Most hotels along the interstates look sparsely attended. Very dystopian. With California threatening a lockdown for the foreseeable future, I wouldn't visit there under any circumstance. Remember, just last week, Gallup New Mexico closed it's whole town! Armed guards blocked all entrances to the town! Just like in some weird Outbreak movie. Very weird. We went right through there. Yet, just outside the city limits-somewhat normalcy. So, given all that, why in the world anyone would take a summer road trip now is baffling to me.
Proud of you for typing in full, coherent paragraphs.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Get a 5 GL bucket with a lid. Fill it maybe a 1/3 to 1/2 and add whatever soap, hand cleaner, bleach you want. Find a spot to bungee it or to your handcart. Change it daily and there you go.


I like the idea of one of these better. Built in spigot.


I'm a star
You realize Hypercapnia is a real medical condition don't you?

You don't get it from wearing a mask. Maybe a respirator, and only one without a valve, since they are supposed to be sealed around the face. But hypoxia or hypoxemia would probably take a respirator wearer down before their CO2 levels rose high enough to be a concern.

Masks, on the other hand, which are what the graphic references, are loose fitting, so exhaled air escapes easily. Dirty masks can also lead to trouble breathing, because it is harder to breathe in, and subsequently hypoxia or hypoxemia.


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Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
I don't know about Canada or way North East. My experience: Most restaurants are closed. Fast food drive throughs and most truck stops can offer whatever is inside with stupid social distancing and no seating. Weird. Now remember, this is from a big truck perspective-we don't venture in town. Locally, there are a few restaurants open with limited seating, very few. Rest stops to even just plain parking areas are hit and miss. Depends on the state. I wouldn't count on ANYTHING. I wouldn't embark on ANY pleasure/driving/flying trip or vacation ANYWHERE in the U.S. Most hotels along the interstates look sparsely attended. Very dystopian. With California threatening a lockdown for the foreseeable future, I wouldn't visit there under any circumstance. Remember, just last week, Gallup New Mexico closed it's whole town! Armed guards blocked all entrances to the town! Just like in some weird Outbreak movie. Very weird. We went right through there. Yet, just outside the city limits-somewhat normalcy. So, given all that, why in the world anyone would take a summer road trip now is baffling to me.
Thank you for the response. Safe travels.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I go to the west and east coasts(LA to New York). All new hubs look the same. All old hubs look the same. Clone/cookie cutter. California's crappy fake wood veneer counters are exactly the same as New York's etc. Zombie like overnight employees...For the most part, pleasant, helpful, hard working fellow UPSer's. Sure not like here on BC. Safety wise, you see the same bad habits(and good) everywhere.

Now for the virus thing. I'd say 1 out of 5(UPS) are wearing some sort of mask. Most no gloves. Except for maybe some sort of hand sanitizer in the dispatch offices, would not know there is a depression level pandemic going on(At UPS). On the masks, most don't have them over their noses. Last week traffic was relatively light coast to coast in town or the interstates. With the easing, it doubled. Trucks 10 to 1 over cars. Big city traffic thick except LA. The only place we were offered masks and gloves was MeanJ, this includes our own hub. I haven't worn one yet. Our biggest concern as a sleeper team is finding anti-bacterial wipes and hand sanitizer. My stash is just about out. Locally, there is none to be had...anywhere. Nor any truck stop. We may have to go to bar soap and water which will create other problems. You wouldn't believe how hard and time consuming it is to find/refill fresh water not to mention expensive if purchased. How do you wash and rinse your hands driving down the road? See above. These were problems we didn't have just a couple months ago...
The mask thing will fade as it gets hot, either that or folks will start dropping from the heat. Gloves do nothing for germ protection but they do keep your hands sweaty.

NY-NJ workers are in the epicenter of this Kung Flu but very little of the employees have caught it. Those that did have reported mild symptoms.