And he gave away my company healthcare.
And he has not addressed subcontracting.
And he has doubled the time to reach top rate.
And he has let the mafia take control over many locals.
Shall I keep going?
1.)this was either going away or we were going to have to pay for insurance. Unfortunately this is the direction ALL of American business is going however wrong it may be.
2.)I could be wrong, but I thought I recalled there being language for this in the national contract. If there is why isn't the locals enforcing it?
3.)agreed. This is crap, no matter how its spun or what UPS was offering initially.
4.)Proof? If no proof this will be addressed below.
I am not a supporter for Junior (who is not OG). The 2 biggest arguments against him, which I agree with but seems to being pushed under the rug, is the extended progression and the already retired getting screwed.
I see people bashing Hall, but how much is the aforementioned 2 items actually on Hall??? Many reformers sing Carey's praises, but wasn't it Hall negotiating for him as well? So what's the difference? Was it Carey and Junior who were actually setting the tone of negotiations or is it all Hall so he should be both praised and reviled by the same people?
The problem I currently have with even considering voting for the Teamster United slate, is getting through all of the rhetoric and unprovable accusations (Hoffa's camp just seems to want to stay silent and not talk about anything). I'm not talking about the previous contract, I'm talking about things like #4 above. There should always be more than one candidate regardless of who it is. There should always be options. But when a person has to dig through a proverbial pile of

to actually see what someone stands for, it can be difficult to take the candidate serious. When it seems that BOTH parties are focusing on what happened behind closed doors with Maspeth, and it is something we will never know for sure what happened that day, it makes the whole process a crapshoot. I've got an idea, why don't the candidates and their most fervent supporters actually state their policies instead of name calling, broad spectrum bashing, and unprovable accusations. We are supposed to all be brothers. Lets have a debate, a serious debate, a debate about the issues, a debate without the rhetoric, a debate that provides us with the information we need.
One last thing, and I haven't seen either side address this in any way. Better communication between the national and the actual workers would be a good thing and would help prevent the loads of misinformation that were going around at contract time. This is something that needs addressed imo.