Commentary: Behind the scenes at UPS during the holiday season


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Commentary: Behind the scenes at UPS during the holiday season - The Courier

There's a lot involved in making sure your packages get delivered around the holidays.

You just clicked "place your order" to purchase your item and now you wait for the package to arrive at your door. You're done with a few simple mouse clicks, but the work has just begun at UPS warehouses and distribution centers across the country. Especially during the holiday season.

It's no simple task making sure the onslaught of orders get to people's doorsteps on time. To make it happen comes down literally to science - and lots of preparation.

UPS relies on special facilities it calls "the village" to house the uptick in packages that are bound for its centers in the coming weeks. These pop-up villages, normally in the form of a portable trailer, provide temporary sorting, packing and delivery space to assist UPS facilities across the country, and serve as the epicenter of holiday delivery. Such a village has been up and running for weeks in Hunt Valley and is only expected to get even busier as packages double between now and Christmas.


Retired 23 years
When I opened this up and saw the picture of the sparkling clean UPS truck I didn't even bother to read the rest. I figured it had to be BS.