Conditions were ripe for best contract ever


Just a turd
Your cell service sucks.
giphy-downsized-large (1).gif

:censored2: you you potato eating mick

Big Arrow Down...D

Leave the gun,take the cannoli
and we got worse than any of us can imagine. Existing part timers got screwed royally, and working weekends for a discount instead of premium and language that will overwork 22.4 “combo” drivers and screw regular drivers. The raises are junk and hardly keep up with inflation. If we had real cola raises they would maybe be acceptable raises. There is almost nothing good on this contract. There will be a huge push to pass this , but the rank and file have to be outspoken and vigilant about the no vote. I’m losing faith and expect the corrupt IBT to pass this even if the vote is no.


Well-Known Member
The raises are less than 2%.

The inflation rate as of June, 2018 was 2.83%!!

Current US Inflation Rates: 2008-2018

CEO gets a 20% raise, Govt. gives UPS a 14% raise and investors get 10% raise in dividends.

always remember that you are working for the stockholders...then yourself......the smart thing to do would be to have COLA......COLA was probably traded for some other contractual issue....