You'll love this.
Several days ago I heard someone making a rant about the banning of the flag of the army of Northern Virginia and it seemed a bit much so I love to stir a good pot when the chance arises so I poised the following scenario.
"If I refuse to fly the flag on my own property and I prohibit anyone else from flying the flag only on my property, am I banning the flag?"
The one to whom the question is poised said yes and I actually agreed, I am banning the flag on my property. But here is where it gets interesting.
"But if a stop you from flying the flag on my property, am I still banning the flag (actually I am) and am I violating your rights?"
The person stated that I was violating his rights to which we got into a discussion of property rights and I was informed by this person that his right to fly the flag trumped my property rights to determine the use of my property. When I poise that my property rights were based on a material interest in said property and could he show where he had an interest above mine to trump my right of property? He said his right to speech and expression trumped my property rights in all cases.
His position was not unexpected and one I felt was there but just needed a little prodding to get out. This person also rants and raves against communists and socialists. Ironic that his argument against the rights of property in some manner undercuts some of the arguments for the Southern Cause.
As the late Mr. Spock (the real one) would say, Fascinating!
This discourse took maybe 3 minutes if even that long and I left the man to waller in his own beliefs. I thought of daring him to wear a shirt with flag on it to work to prove his loyalty to the cause but I'd had enough fun.