confederate flag?


Well-Known Member
they're the ones (both) claiming to make the flag theirs. I don't care what flag either chooses, it's not what it represents to me plain and simple.
Well good for you but it is what it represents for a majority of African-Americans and white southerners and Americans in general.


Well-Known Member
WK I thought of u when I passed this flag lol. Lunch time yet?


Staff member
they're the ones (both) claiming to make the flag theirs. I don't care what flag either chooses, it's not what it represents to me plain and simple.
So if everyone is running around "making it theirs" I guess there is no reason to worry about anyone banning anything.


Engorged Member
OR maybe they aren't as bigoted as yourself and just understand the truth

The "truth" that they're using the flag to get some attention and make money. or that they're too ignorant to know what the flag stands for? Rappers aren't known for being rocket scientists.


Inordinately Right
The "truth" that they're using the flag to get some attention and make money. or that they're too ignorant to know what the flag stands for? Rappers aren't known for being rocket scientists.
Lots of rappers are more intelligent than the general public, a few come to mind right off the bat.
You can't deny the successful reappropriation of the N word by the African American community, mostly via the hip hop industry. All they had to do was drop the hard R.


Well-Known Member
Only the cupcake society companies that ban them from their shelves

I'll still defend those companies even if their decision is for cupcake reasons. Just as I'll defend your right to not do business with them for reasons of having to do with cupcakes. And I'll also defend your or anyone else who sees a market opening for such flags who chooses to fill that market niche and profit from it.

I'll also defend the right of a business to do business or not do business with whom they choose, for even religious reasons to which I disagree but at the same time I'll protest the state for enforcing rules that privilege those businesses over potential market competition.

Should a bakery refuse a gay couple a cake, the market should be free for anyone to bake them the cake they want even out of their own kitchen and sell it to the gay couple for their needs. Most all jurisdictions from zoning to business regulations prohibit such market actions. Unless of course you make sure the State is cut in on the action.

Imagine back in the day a black man being refused a meal to which he and his friends opened a restaurant right out of his kitchen and dining room who because of less overhead could offer a meal at a much lower price to anyone? Or even just to black people if they so choose?

Now imagine how much bite segregation would have as market forces would begin to undercut and erode segregation itself. Green trumps skin color every time. Segregation only worked when the forces of the market were restricted and privileged to certain classes to the disadvantage of others. In fact segregation itself was a matter of law. a free market intervention and violation, so without segregation laws, would the people have remained so separate given their natural choice and will?

Looking at our society today seems to suggest otherwise because we still have the right to associate or not associate with people, our natural or free will, yet for the most part we do so now and give it little thought until some knuckle dragging neanderthal drags out his version of tribalism and needing to wave his piece of cloth to keep it relevant. And oddly enough, I'll defend his right to do so too!


Well-Known Troll
Good thing they're bringing down the flag, that will SURELY eradicate racism.

Racists are going to remain as long as this planet keeps turning, Banning flags, or FORCING people to do anything will HARDLY do anything to stop that.


Staff member
Good thing they're bringing down the flag, that will SURELY eradicate racism.

Racists are going to remain as long as this planet keeps turning, Banning flags, or FORCING people to do anything will HARDLY do anything to stop that.
Banning flags? Who's doing that? You guys get wrapped up about nothing.