confederate flag?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Yes, black people are "animals", aren't they? He deserved an asskicking for being so effing stupid. Please take your pickup to the local "Negro area" and assert your free speech rights. Make sure you have KlanWear, and make the flag extra large.

Get back to me.

I expect such a comment from someone who could care less about The Constitution.

You would have blown their heads off for stealing your flag and throwing stuff at your truck?
I don't see how the castle doctrine laws apply here at all.

They assaulted him too. In my state castle doctrine applies to inside your vehicle. If I'm being pelted with rocks and fists by a sizable group of people then I'm bringing out the equalizer. And it's completely legal.


Inordinately Right
They assaulted him too. In my state castle doctrine applies to inside your vehicle. If I'm being pelted with rocks and fists by a sizable group of people then I'm bringing out the equalizer. And it's completely legal.
If he had stayed outside his vehicle, I'd agree he could have legally shot someone. He would also be a piece of :censored2: for it. It would have been a completely legal, piece of :censored2: thing to do. The right thing to do was just drive away, which is what he did. You want to stick around and murder someone because you're upset they took your flag and threw stuff at your car, that's on you.

Using the castle doctrine in this case is a thin defense. He very well might be able to hide behind that law, but it would be up for interpretation. No one was reaching in his vehicle. If they had broken a window, or tried to open the door, it would be a clear cut case.
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Well-Known Troll
If he had stayed outside his vehicle, I'd agree he could have legally shot someone. He would also be a piece of :censored2: for it. .

LMAO These animals are coming after him as a gang, and he'd be a "piece of :censored2:" to do so? The problem here is the black losers stealing his property and attacking him because of a PIECE OF CLOTH!

You're not smart enough to see that, though. It's all his fault. He's the one who went and stole stuff and then vandalized property. Oh, no he didn't


Well-Known Troll
Idiot got what he deserved. Went looking to cause trouble and found it.

Too bad more of them don't try that. While they have crotch rockets and dirtbikes, us "Rednecks" have big, lifted trucks and monsterous SUV's. They would drive over these morons very easily.

My Suburban could eliminate quite a few, with nothing more than a little press of the gas pedal


Inordinately Right
LMAO These animals are coming after him as a gang, and he'd be a "piece of :censored2:" to do so? The problem here is the black losers stealing his property and attacking him because of a PIECE OF CLOTH!

You're not smart enough to see that, though. It's all his fault. He's the one who went and stole stuff and then vandalized property. Oh, no he didn't
When he is in a car completely capable of driving away.... Ya he would be a piece of :censored2: for getting out and shooting someone.
I never said it was his fault. He did the right thing and drove away.
My statement was directed at the internet tough guys who say he should have shot someone.


Well-Known Troll
When he is in a car completely capable of driving away.... Ya he would be a piece of :censored2: for getting out and shooting someone.
I never said it was his fault. He did the right thing and drove away.
My statement was directed at the internet tough guys who say he should have shot someone.

He shouldn't have shot someone. Should have wiped out all of them. They're all tough guys when they vastly outnumber someone and he's unarmed. Let's turn the tables and have 20 or so white guys go whoop on a black guy for his black pampers flag.

I'm sure obama would weigh in on that one


Well-Known Troll
Someone who preaches morality in one thread, talking about murdering 20 or so people in another.
You're always good for a laugh.

The aborted babies aren't acting like roosters, stealing someone's property. Is this too difficult for you to understand?

If someone broke into your house, armed and looking for trouble, and you had a gun, would you use it to kill them, or just let them kill you to grab your new flat screen tv or playstation?

If you're okay with protecting your home with deadly force, but your car doesn't get the same "protection", then that's just stupid.

You're always good for.........I'm sure I'll think of something eventually


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
That was an extremely bright move by the truck owner to fly a huge Confederate flag in an obviously Black area. Darwin's Theory at-work, because he was lucky to walk away alive. :censored2: redneck deserved what he got.

That's how free speech really works. You're free to fly your racist flag, and they are free to take it away. How is this (other than the violence) different from Rick Monday snatching the US flag away from protestors?
That is not how free speech works.

He broke no laws.

That black crowd broke plenty of laws.

They will probably be soon arrested.

After all, they were stupid enough to video their crimes and post it on-line.


Retired 23 years
That is not how free speech works.

He broke no laws.

That black crowd broke plenty of laws.

They will probably be soon arrested.

After all, they were stupid enough to video their crimes and post it on-line.

Unfortunately I seriously doubt if any arrests will take place. Even if they were I would bet some pusillanimous judge would let them go with a slap on the hand at the most.


Nine Lives

Obama Hope.jpg


Engorged Member
LMAO These animals are coming after him as a gang, and he'd be a "piece of :censored2:" to do so? The problem here is the black losers stealing his property and attacking him because of a PIECE OF CLOTH!

You're not smart enough to see that, though. It's all his fault. He's the one who went and stole stuff and then vandalized property. Oh, no he didn't

Hey, genius. What if Mr. Redneck put a Nazi flag in the back of his truck and then went to a Jewish neighborhood? Or, what if he took a "666" flag and parked outside a Christian mega-church. My guess is that the same kind of reaction would happen that you condemn here.

But you can't wrap your head around that, can you?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Hey, genius. What if Mr. Redneck put a Nazi flag in the back of his truck and then went to a Jewish neighborhood? Or, what if he took a "666" flag and parked outside a Christian mega-church. My guess is that the same kind of reaction would happen that you condemn here.

But you can't wrap your head around that, can you?

The same exact reaction in both examples would be just as wrong as what took place in the video.