Well-Known Member
Hope your not in the Central States Pension then I'll feel bad , they lost 25 and out away and if it is 106% funded it can go way up but UPS doesnt want a pension thats not in the green.
Once more, in English this time. No idea what you're trying to say. To clarify, he is speaking of central states/ IBT/UPS plan. It's 106% funded. Just some numbers to refute the crap some are spewing on here.
I can retire in 5 years and receive $2650+ @ 47.(not going to) $31,800/year 25 full time years
I can retire in 10 years and receive $3400 @ 52 (no again) $40,800/year 30 full time years
I can retire in 15 years and receive $4258 @ 57 $51,096/year 35 full time years
i can retire in 20 years and receive $5788 @ 62 $69,456/year 40 full time years
I can retire in 25 years and receive $6383 @ 65 $76,596/year 45 full time years
There are 2 types of pensions. Years of service and defined benefit. You will receive whichever one is higher. 57-62 is looking pretty good to me. Drivers who started later, I had 15 years pre-2008, are going to receive much more. The accrual rate also increased this contract(not enough IMO) so these numbers are low.
All this bull**** about how bad it is in the south for pension/healthcare is hogwash. The cost of living is super cheap here. I'm buying a 2870 sq ft home in a nice area. 4bed/3bath for $235K. If you save, fund your 401k,buy some company stock, live below your means, your going to have a great retirement.
A driver that started in 2008 and works 35 years will get $6100/month. Thats on par with any other plan at UPS.