Repugs to Tea People and the rest of America, "Seriously"­? When we said $100 Billion in cuts, you thought we meant we were going to do it? Wow, you guys are sucka"s. "Thanks for the gavel!" "... "it's a keg on a stick" <---The Weeper of the House
Jobs ? Economy ? That will have to wait...I'm sure you understood­, we won't work on jobs until we get closer to the 2012 elections.­..we are going to waste our time repealing HCR!!! Thank you very much!!!
Your New GOP ELECTED Leaders --- boy are the American people "gullible"­...
Get you're knives sharpened as I think the next 2 years should be nothing but pure fun for you. In all this hoo-haa of the new sheriff in town, what is overlooked is this in truth is really nothing new at all under the surface. Case in point is the new golden boy in the red state ranks in one Paul Ryan. He's had this
"Roadmap" plan and it's being championed as "the way home" for America but under the tax proposals, it includes a rather interesting means of taxing business.
I'll quote from the plan under the taxes section:
Business Consumption Tax. The proposal creates an 8.5-percent BCT on goods and services. The tax is calculated and administered based on the “subtraction method,” under which a business determines its tax liability by subtracting its total purchases from its total sales. The BCT is then imposed on this net receipts figure (i.e. the firm’s value added) and paid to the Federal Government once each reporting period (i.e. each business quarter).
Basically, there will be imposed on business an 8.5 percent VAT on the net side of the ledger but wait, I thought this was the plan of those evil, vile socialist democrats who seek to destroy America! OK so they got a silent partner now, that's life! Now Ryan and fellow travelers don't call it a VAT, they call it a Business Consumption Tax (BCT for short and Ah the language twisting again, See Higgs in the Blaming America thread) and reading on they say this will entirely replace the corporate income tax and I'm sure this will appeal to many. I'd even guess those who prefer the FairTax method will like it as a kinda "foot in the door" approach towards the fairtax ends.
What I do think is dishonest is all the hulla-baloo against a VAT (and I'm against it too as I am against all forms/means of involuntary taxation and that includes the Fair Tax and the Income Tax) while in effect on the backside they have a VAT of their own in the works.
Nothing is really gonna change just like nothing really changed when your crowd the democrats had the reins and these last 2 years have been nothing but Bush Term 3. Oh look, the red staters are now screaming ObamaCare to defend themselves but none of them read RomneyCare and not that the democrats wanted them to either. Then the cats out of the bag that there are no new ideas in Washington after all. One vomits and the other eats it up! The only difference between Boehner and Pelosi is that at least Pelosi "manned up" and didn't resort to using crocodile tears in public to yank her bases heartstrings in order to manipulate.
Thanks to pickup, I'll re-quote what I said 2 years ago after the 2008' election and in 2 years let's revisit this again and I still think I'll be right!
But yet come election, did you once vote outside those republican and/or democrat candidates you say you hate?
It's like we're all in a relationship based souly on physical abuse with us being the abused. We 8itch and complain about it to each other but then we turn right around and go back for more abuse knowing full good and well that we will be abused.
Stop supporting citizen abuse!
And watch what happens when the debt ceiling vote comes up! Wait for it.............
Thanks pickup for reminding me again just how dead on the money I was!