Contract proposals for 2018

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and many of those things are completely out of our control. It takes a perfect world for a defined benefit pension system to be sustainable.

I understand that with a 401k that there are still many things that are out of my control, but they are far fewer than a defined benefit plan.
Like companies going out of business or that have fallen on hard times and can't afford to contribute anymore. Then add in poor market returns and mismanagement....

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Teamcare to have an enhanced benefit like we have on the east coast. One physical and one dental cleaning in the calendar year qualifies you for zero deductible and reduced prescription cost.


Got the T-Shirt
I have never been in management and I am not yet vested.

You have been a member of BrownCafe since 2001.

And you're not vested, in a Union pension plan ??

I understand that under the current formula, UPS is responsible for my pension.

What formula.... is that ?

I also understand that UPS has paid a large amount of money to buy themselves out of Central States and I also see that Central States is not going to be able to pay out their obligations over the long term.


What are your contract proposals ?



KTM rider
What are your contract proposals ?

I suggested that they start talking about it. I also said that there are probably people smarter than me that have been thinking about it.

I do not have a specific proposal, but I would like to see what people smarter than me can come up with.

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
I'm talking about drivers. Some area's have bonus. Basically if you get done before your planned time you get paid extra.. not a good way to grow jobs.
My center is a bonus center, and have added double digit drivers the last couple of years. Meanwhile, those who hustle (and that doesn't mean skip lunch or work unsafe) are rewarded for a job well done.

I appreciate the union value of everyone equal, with preference given to those who have lasted the longest. I also appreciate some type of recognition based on merit. Bonus accomplishes this.
My center is a bonus center, and have added double digit drivers the last couple of years. Meanwhile, those who hustle (and that doesn't mean skip lunch or work unsafe) are rewarded for a job well done.

I appreciate the union value of everyone equal, with preference given to those who have lasted the longest. I also appreciate some type of recognition based on merit. Bonus accomplishes this.
Maybe for some. For others it's an excuse to be a runner/ gunner and screw someone else out of a job

Just my opinion.

10 Pt

How can the Union claim that they don't recognize production standards, while entertaining the premise of a "bonus program".
And where there's bonus incentive shouldn't Art 37 (age and physical condition) be applied as well?

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
And where there's bonus incentive shouldn't Art 37 (age and physical condition) be applied as well?
That's why I don't like bonus centers. I agree with your post, I just feel that it would validate a form of production. I'm 1.5 to 2 hours over everyday. I'll take no bonus, article 37 first sentence and the 9.5 list for 1000 Alex.

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
Someone mentioned 'transferability' as being a negative for UPS, as it could increase training costs. This could be an issue with allowing company transfers nationwide. How could such concerns be addressed?

Some ideas I've had:

1.Transfers only allowed into like classification; if you are a package car driver you can only transfer into an open package car bid. Exceptions can be made if there is an exceptional need in location being transferred to and the transferee qualifies, eg a package car driver or even a PTmer with a Class A and needed endorsements can transfer into a needed open feeder bid, or a current article 22.3 that was in package can transfer into a package car bid if there is a shortage.

2.Transfer would not be allowed until a replacement for transferee is found, whether from the desired locale or a request for transfer in by someone from another local. In cities with an adequate number of TCDs and qualified drivers finding a replacement would be less burdensome and a problem, so it may be easier to leave such locals.

It would be nice to require the company to be required to maintain a list of qualified operators in each hub, training those desiring training so rather than wait for an acute need tof arise.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
Guarantee pension for current employees at years in... Have option to opt out future pension years for a 4 % match 401k. But you can't have both in same year. Make it more beneficial for Co and employee to wean off the pension system in a set number of years but all your current years are grandfathered in. A 6% match may be the right number..What do you think?

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
Maybe for some. For others it's an excuse to be a runner/ gunner and screw someone else out of a job

Just my opinion.
People run and gun regardless of whether it is a bonus center. Most of you don't work in bonus centers and are always complaining about runners and gunners. Money is not even the primary reason guys and gals do it; being with family and/or doing what they want is probably much higher, and avoiding trouble and discipline is probably pretty high above bonus, too. Not saying that justifies cutting corners either, but bonus gets a bad rap as THE reason for the existence of runners. That's no where near the case. Time allowances have been so screwed as to make bonus almost a myth in most "bonus centers", and yet runners and gunners, or some of their tendencies still flourish. What does that tell you?
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