Since there are way more part timers, if it were the IBT's concern for cash, wouldn't it make more sense to enhance the part time wage?
Sure, if by design these part time jobs were actually meant to be a long term job or a career.
Instead, as long as I can remember (myself included), UPS recruits college kids for the vast majority of these part time jobs.
In most cases these employees fill the positions for up to four years, then wash, rinse, and repeat.
In many instances they don't last a full year.
It wasn't always this way, as once upon a time, part timers made the same hourly wages as full timers.
With this in mind, and my assertion that additional initiation fees make up at least the difference, why would the IBT have ever agreed to the split wage concession way back when?
I will make a prediction, one that will affirm some of my
"conspiracy theories".
That prediction is that the IBT will vigorously negotiate to shorten the period of time a part timer has to wait upon employment to receive benefits in the next contract.
Why?.....because they now control a much greater portion of those funds than ever before since rebranding the C6 plan as
That's why you will never see part timers given the opportunity to choose between a higher hourly rate, or healthcare benefits.
TeamCare simply can't afford that notion.