Contract PT Pay vs FedEx now


Well-Known Member
Nope, never in 32 years did I work a day I didn't have to. Never cashed in a vacation or sick day.

The California myth continues....

Just fine. Bought my first home as a preloader @20 years old. Got in at the bottom with a $100,000 home in '89. Parlayed that up and up using California's home value appreciation. I have a pretty modest home compared to most UPSers I hang out with. Some of their homes are amazing. People gotta stop buying into the myth about what it's like here. I've traveled to most states, and wouldn't leave for any of them, except Hawaii. If I could afford Hawaii, I'd move there tomorrow! Lol.

Well, when you buy into the bottom of the housing market, its a different story. Thats like saying anyone can be a millionaire, just buy a stock like amazon when its new and cheap and hold on to it for 20 years. Its always easy in hindsight.

But in all honesty. If you were a youngin' and just getting out of college now, would you be able to buy a house in nor-cal, like you did in 89?

Ive heard california is a rather expensive place to live


The resident gearhead
Well, when you buy into the bottom of the housing market, its a different story. Thats like saying anyone can be a millionaire, just buy a stock like amazon when its new and cheap and hold on to it for 20 years. Its always easy in hindsight.

But in all honesty. If you were a youngin' and just getting out of college now, would you be able to buy a house in nor-cal, like you did in 89?

Ive heard california is a rather expensive place to live
Yes good luck trying to buy a house now on a blue collar income in CA. If you didn't buy a home in the 80's or 90's your pretty much s.o.l.


Well, when you buy into the bottom of the housing market, its a different story. Thats like saying anyone can be a millionaire, just buy a stock like amazon when its new and cheap and hold on to it for 20 years. Its always easy in hindsight.

But in all honesty. If you were a youngin' and just getting out of college now, would you be able to buy a house in nor-cal, like you did in 89?

Ive heard california is a rather expensive place to live
That depends on your situation. A single person making $100k might be able to to buy a condo or small house outside of the cities. But add a second income to the household and it becomes a little more doable.


The resident gearhead
I'm a full time student too, thanks for the obvious suggestion.


I'm born and raised in orange county CA. I just transferred to Washington state 2 years ago. It's much easier to live. Less stupid laws. Less people. There is life outside of CA.
Seattle is pretty much a twin City to San Francisco. There are areas of California that are different and easier than the coastal Metros.


The resident gearhead
Seattle is pretty much a twin City to San Francisco. There are areas of California that are different and easier than the coastal Metros.
For sure, but why would you want to live there? Rather live in AZ if I'm gonna move to the desert.