You would understand better if you actually worked at ups and lived it instead of operating a web site. We made our name United Parcel SERVICE from actual service because we had people who had ACTUALLY done the job. Now we have people with experience like you.
Like Cheryl said I worked for UPS almost 27 years. This has been discussed over the years in my previous posts... I don't run this website, this is Cheryl's baby. I'm on here pretty much every day and help with moderation but it is really the other mods that do all the heavy lifting.
You quoted a post of mine I made several days ago that gave kudos to UPS drivers being better trained and working harder than the competition. Your response to my post made no sense other than being an ignorant attack on me not knowing what you were talking about. I respect all UPS employees drivers included. I was a driver for almost 5 years, trained new drivers and pretty much have done everything in operations.
When I first read your out of the blue post I thought you were posting after drinking but then I looked at the time and hoped this wasn't true.
Now how about getting back on topic...