Contract talks !!!!!! STRIKE !!!!!!


Active Member
I think we have a good thing going, and don't want to seethat ruined. Health insurance is always rising, so paying more to cover thatisn't really a concession. I'm guessing this proposal by the company is theirfirst of the negotiations, so it's obviously going to be negotiated andchanged. I'm not a sup or am I trying to argue with you guys, justvoicing my opinion.



You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The cost of healthcare has ALWAYS been going up. Never been a problem before.

Oh yeah cost of living is going up too so I expect a raise also.


Well-Known Member
I think we have a good thing going, and don't want to seethat ruined. Health insurance is always rising, so paying more to cover thatisn't really a concession. I'm guessing this proposal by the company is theirfirst of the negotiations, so it's obviously going to be negotiated andchanged. I'm not a sup or am I trying to argue with you guys, justvoicing my opinion.

The market seems to think things are going good for UPS. Scott Davis compensation package doesn't reflect concerns with health care costs. Concessions my ass.


Well-Known Member
Wheres the proof health care costs are rising? Show me the facts! Even if they are this is something the company has to prepare for just like the average household has to prepare for rising gas prices, grocery prices, and heating costs.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
let's see what kind of offer comes out of the negotiations first. if the offer is unacceptable, then we need to consider the next step.

the thing that we can control right now is our preparation for august 1st. from 1997 i remember that the only people that got paid during the strike were those who scheduled vacation weeks at that time. this is something to keep in mind when vacation selection begins in a few weeks.

Dude, that train has already came and went. You missed your ride. You are behind in the conversation.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You are a sad individual undies. How many ft union employees would have a job after the strike? We’re losing volume everywhere to Fedex and other smaller carriers, and that's just on price. Can you imagine if we were to strike how many shippers would never return? All those idiots who say to start saving, more than half of us won’t have a job to go back to, so you better havea half a million saved up. What about all the young guys who are starting out with new families, and can’t afford to lose this job. UPS needs to make a profit and better that profit all the time to keep the people who own us happy .UPS cannot wait until we start making less to make concessions, or UPS is going to be in some trouble. My wife wants kids, I tell her not until I finish grad school, I have no faith in the union keeping my job around to support a family. I think of my brother who works here and just had a kid, my father who retired from here, there going to be really hurting if we strike. Competition is real tough in this industry. I know anyone who drives sees the decline in volume delivery and pickup. It’s obvious UPS cannot compete with Fedex or we wouldn’t be losing accounts so fast, so giving back a little might be the key to gaining more full-time jobs are unions want. Look at the amount of full-time jobs were losing, and it's not because of sure post. My center has lost around eight driving jobs in the past seven years, pretty scary. This job is not that difficult, if you think it is, your either too dumb to make it easy or have never been around. We make a lot of money and have an excellent benefit package, paying a little to keep the back of my truck full and money in my accounts doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. Talking about a strike on an open forum where customers can see or be told by the competition is also foolish.Why would you want to scare accounts way talking about striking? Sorry about the rant but man you people really need to get out in the world and see how good you have it. I only worried about those degenerate Fedex drivers taking away a future here for me, stupid me for not worrying about the union I pay to protect me.

I AGREE WITH YOU. Turn in your uniform and save them the 70K a year, then they could hire a new full timer who understands what the job is all about.

You are talking about sacrifice, and I agree, lets sacrifice YOU.


If we went on strike in 2013, what do you think UPS would look like after? Do you think we will have gained anything? The last strike only hurt UPS and the union. All those full-time jobs the union wanted, and were losing more every year as the volume goes bye bye.
Spoken like a former scab

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think we have a good thing going, and don't want to seethat ruined. Health insurance is always rising, so paying more to cover thatisn't really a concession. I'm guessing this proposal by the company is theirfirst of the negotiations, so it's obviously going to be negotiated andchanged. I'm not a sup or am I trying to argue with you guys, justvoicing my opinion.

If you dont understand how negotiations work, stay out of them. Leave the negotiations to the people who are actually involved.

If you dont understand how you got to the point where your at in wages and benefits, then you dont understand your job.

If you believe UPS just "gave" you those bennies and wages, then you live in lala land.


THE volume hasnt went down.....our trucks just got bigger and bigger. The amount of stops we do now, we used to get a helper with this many stops a few years ago. Quit sipping the Brown Kool-aid and drink a good Union beer!!


Well-Known Member
If anything we should stay the course. Same bennies, same PERCENTAGE pay increase. Tell me why we should give and not receive? Stock is up. Dividends are up. CEO salary is up. Earnings per share are up. Profits are up. This is when we should receive and not give. If we give under todays environment, how much would we have to give if things became stagnant or even took a down turn?

Concessions my ass.


Active Member
Under no circumstances should we give concessions to the company They make billions of dollars a year On our backs. !!!!!!!! you've got to be kidding me !!!! Show me the money !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dividends are up to attract people to our stock, and I would rather a well paid CEO then a discount one.

I understand the stock market. I also understand we do not want a "discount CEO".
Say what you want but my facts stand. Record profits during this contract. Stock at a 6 year high. Dividends up. EPS up. Funny how you focus on 2 of the many points I have made. Dividends alone mean little. CEO compensation alone means little. But all added up does not show a company that needs a union to accept concessions. All of the numbers I have shared all happened during a monumental recession.

Concessions my ass.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Dividends are up to attract people to our stock, and I would rather a well paid CEO then a discount one.

I would also rather have well compensated employees that are invested in the good of the company. Than ones that could go get any one of a number of jobs with similar compensation if they have a bad day.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
I'm not saying to give up everything, but if it comes down to a few dollars for insurance lets not be stupid. I just wished the Teamsters looked at the long term health of the company and not just big gains on the current contract.

Does the phrase, "Race to the bottom", mean anything to you?


Well-Known Member
Mutual destruction, so be it. I've been here for two contracts and I'm still part time. If concessions can happen when the company is putting out profit watch your butts when times are tough. If the company wants to try and call our bluff I wish them well because all of us will be out of a job including Scott Davis. No concessions, period. The mere fact they brought that to the table is an insult. Pound sand mofos.


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is the fear that I am sensing from a lot of brothers. Here, at the hub and even my steward. We should have no fear. Fear is what will hurt us. You go into a fight with your legs shaking an in a protective stance, you are going to get pummeled.

Get angry. Get pissed off. But go in with confidence that you will win. I am afraid to many are now in the "uh oh, better grab what we can" frame of mind.