Contract talks !!!!!! STRIKE !!!!!!


Active Member
Ok Wait one minute I'll get a write up for you !! Go away !!!!! Again everything that I get is part of my hourly package negotiated by the union !!


Well-Known Member
We do work for all that we earn but we do not pay for our benefits or pension contributions. Those are provided by the company per the NMA.
Those are provided by the company and were negotiated on our behalf by the Teamsters in lieu of higher wages, and are part of the NMA.


It is a long way from August 1st ,but with the ridiculous proposal the company has put on the table we need to stand together and tell them the paper it is written on is best used in the bathroom.In the interim it is my humble opinion that we send a clear message to management by holding them rigidly to the current contract. Every Pt'er should ask for his 3 1/2 every day.No sups touching packages for any reason.It starts with every union employee enforcing the contract or else we will wind up paying in the end.

Pt stewie has hit this on the head. Keep doing your jobs the right way. Keep sending the message
*yawn*. And so it begins. I have to say, I find some of you so ridiculous.
I'm wondering why? Can you please share your insight regarding the the new contact. If not don't reduce the blog to insults and ridicule.
UPS is a corporation that, in the past had off-shore accounts that was hidding money. So the question would be, did they stop doing that out of the goodness of thier own hearts, or are they still doing it? What is more likely that they have stoped or that they want to hide money and profits? Everything that we, the Teamsters have we deserve and work hard for. If UPS thinks medical is to high to pay then they should pay the lobbiest to move Washington to vote for single payer healthcare. And please don't start attacking me with words like "Socialist" thats old and ignorant.


26,302 posts? Bet over half of those contain misinformation. NMA doesnt set the amount for benefits and pension. Local supplements cover that. We in Local 710 have a seperate contract. Quit acting like a know it all, you only make yourself sound stupid

Yeah, I enjoy being called Nancy. Not.

We do work for all that we earn but we do not pay for our benefits or pension contributions. Those are provided by the company per the NMA.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
First of all, I think drivers are worth every penny and should remain well paid and the highest paid in the industry.

I hope (and fully expect) a contract that both sides agree to.


People here can rattle sabres about a strike all you like. Its no different than an ignorant manager talking about firing employees over stupid issues.

Here are a few facts......

In 2001, FedEx ground delivered 1.5 million packages per day. They now deliver over 4 million packages per day. That is 2.5 million additional packages. That's 267% more than 2001.

In 2001 UPS ground (U.S) delivered 10.3 million packages per day. Now it is 11 million packages per day. That's 700 thousand additional packages. That's 6.7% more than 2001.

Fedex has grown their ground business by 1.8 millon packages per day more than UPS has in the same time period.

How many union jobs have been lost?

By the way, in 2001 there were 16 millon union members in the united states. Now there are 14.4 million union members. A loss of 1.6 million union members.

I'm sure that representatives from UPS and the Teamsters understand the situation. Both sides know what's at stake.

Best of luck to you.

Apples to oranges Pretzel. FEDEX ground unit couldnt carry our underwear, and to think they could handle our ground numbers is ridiculous at best.

The private contractors they use are the most unreliable, undependable drivers in the industry. They dont last very long and hardly make a living after deducting all the losses for working for FEDEX.

FEDEX ground is a revolving door of dummies.

Why do you think they only have a 2.5 million package increase in 11 years? That isnt SQUAT if you divide that by 11 years, and its even LESS if you divide that by 12 months.

Then you factor in WHY UPS is losing volume ( drivers out late, packages lost, packages left in building, packages misloaded, packages incorrectly PAS, packages undelivered because of over dispatching, missed pickups because of cutbacks of routes, etc etc etc) then you will find that those GAINS at FEDEX are NOT related to FEDEX's ability to TAKE our business, but rather UPS willing to give it away.

We would EAT FEDEX's lunch with volume if we could only be allowed to do the job correctly. IF UPS would only take the IE out of IE and allow the business to function like it was designed to do ( SERVICE THE CUSTOMER) we would be larger than life and FEDEX wouldnt have been able to start a third rate ground business from the ground up.

Consider this. Politically speaking, if the GOP is thrown out of congress, in 2014, look for congress to finally take up placing FEDEX into National Labor Relations ACT and remove them from the National Railway Act and that alone will SINK FEDEX ground units.

Once that happens, the Teamsters will be able to organize the ground unit and air unit drivers and the operating costs will fall in line with UPS employees, and FEDEX's ground surge will be dead in its tracks.

On this issue, Both the postal service and UPS are onboard with this outcome.

Its a wait and see moment in this respect.

Back to ground volume, when UPS says FEDEX is "taking" our volume, that isnt true. Those are just the words from REGIONAL MANAGERS who dont understand that we are "GIVING IT AWAY".

None of them have the knowledge that the "business model" they employ is causing ground loss. The concept of "add more stops to trucks and cut routes" is where they should start.

Where in this concept do they factor in CUBE SPACE? When you bury a driver in ground stops, you take away CUBE SPACE for pickups, and when that happens, pickups have to be called in and customers have to wait until a driver with available CUBE SPACE can be found.

Sometimes, this could be 7pm or 8pm at night. Do you think this kind of customer would pick FEDEX ground if they could be there consistently before 5pm?

Once this becomes a pattern, and the pickup customer is sacrificed for ground deliveries ( because some genious thought it was an "optimal decision"), then they start looking for alternatives.

It isnt about cost, its about convenience.

UPS is making the business "inconvenient" for the customers.

The regionals just dont have the "balls" to say so.




Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Why do you think they only have a 2.5 million package increase in 11 years? That isnt SQUAT if you divide that by 11 years, and its even LESS if you divide that by 12 months.TOS
And you're an advocate for the union? A 2.5 million package a DAY increase for FEDEX and it isn't even squat? Please help me and others understand the logic expressed in your post.. How many more union jobs would there be if UPS delivered that 2.5 million packages per day that FEDEX took from them? I know for a fact that UPS drivers work harder and are better trained but FEDEX is taking these packages with an inferior workforce as described by you and you seem fine with that?:sick:


Well-Known Member
Apples to oranges Pretzel. FEDEX ground unit couldnt carry our underwear, and to think they could handle our ground numbers is ridiculous at best.

The private contractors they use are the most unreliable, undependable drivers in the industry. They dont last very long and hardly make a living after deducting all the losses for working for FEDEX.

FEDEX ground is a revolving door of dummies.

Why do you think they only have a 2.5 million package increase in 11 years? That isnt SQUAT if you divide that by 11 years, and its even LESS if you divide that by 12 months.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. They may not be able to handle our volume right now. But you can bet your ass that if we go on strike they will poach a good portion of our customers, and they will expand their infrastructure to keep up with the extra volume. They've done it before, and they'll do it again if the situation presents itself.

It will HURT UPS profits in a huge and lasting way, and create an even larger competitor to compete with.

I doubt UPS share holders would want to take such a risk. The financial loss from a strike would cripple UPS a whole lot more than the healthcare benefits and wages we are asking for would.


Well-Known Member
UPS will not close their doors. I really wouldn't worry about that. In order to do that they would have to close for a designated amount of time and then reopen under a new name. Do you really think they are willing to take that chance with their business? Do you realize how long it would take to hire the amount of employees who now work here around the country? It won't happen. Hostess had far less employees then we have. That's why we get crappy contracts because people panic and think about things like this. IT WON"T HAPPEN!!!!!! Stand strong!!! They cannot function without us and we deserve the pay and benefits we make for the hard work we do. HAVE FAITH!!!


Well-Known Member
How many young kids you think will work here if they have to pay $100 a month for health insurance? Some people work here as a second job just for the insurance. They bust their ass for this company and many health problems are a result of this type of work. Just remember what people at ... say McDonalds are doing. Pressing a picture of a hamburger on a cash register for almost the same amount of money as these guys are making loading and sorting CONSTANTLY for four or five hours a night. Very physically demanding and the starting wage has gone up only 50 cents in the last THIRTY YEARS!!!! UPS has plenty of volume and it is coming back. It's already much heavier then when the market crashed. They want to scare you into thinking they are losing all of this work. Bull**** people!!!! Fed EX is really the only major competitor out there and they have been heard to be in major debt. Who knows how much longer they will survive. Don't settle people. UPS isn't going anywhere or closing any doors.


Livin the cardboard dream
I find it highly amusing that our crappy contracts have all come with an endorsement from my negotiating committee. Also, it seems to me that the GOP holds the house currently yet the Senate and the POTUS are Dem controlled. If changing FEDEX's status was a real concern of the Senate and the POTUS it would have already been handled. There's been a huge shift in the last few years of people leaving the GOP because they have a big business tag. It's a really narrow view of most republicans. However, I've left the fold myself and consider myself neither. I'll vote for what makes sense and not from a party line because that's collective ignorance in my opinion. I hope we don't strike, but will be putting away a months salary in the next 8 months. At least...


Well-Known Member
I pretty much agree with this statement. But I have never agreed with what a Republican stands for. It's all about who can give me enough money to win the election. Corporations are all for the Republicans and contribute heavily to their campaigns. They do not stand up for laborers and you can pretty much see that in past practices...let's see...the Air traffice controllers (UNION) went on strike and Reagan (Republican) fired them all! Walker (Republican) ended all of the Public Service UNION'S bargaining rights. Unions support Democrats and they will do more for organized labor then any Republican ever will. If Romney won this last election we would be in BIG TROUBLE with this contract. And I agree that the bargaining comittee approves a contract but that doesn't mean we have to. We have the last say and like I said before......the Union whole pitch is that they negotiate these wonderful contracts for us. Our last contract SUCKED and I can't understand why Nationally that was voted for. Split raises? Really Hoffa? Did you give yourself a split raise???? UPS made BILLIONS when the last contract was negotiated and we hadn't yet hit any type of recession. So why did we settle for ****? I also hope we don't strike. I lived through the 97 strike and my spouse also works for UPS. Three weeks without pay at all to get more full time jobs and hall doesn't uphold the contract we stood on picket lines to get. Hmmmmm....I don't trust him or Hoffa. Politics. Let's make the Union do their damn job everybody!!!


Well-Known Member
It was definitely something to say you have lived through...but let me just add that when we came back from that strike things were sssooooooo much worse then they are now, or were at any time before. Management was pretty much told to follow the book by the exact word and they were complete A-holes for a long time after that. So be careful what you wish for and have a heart for anyone you see standing on a picket line. It gets pretty ugly after you walk.


Well-Known Member
That my friend is because of your crappy National language thanks to MR Hoffa! We aren't suppose to lose those jobs. They are suppose to be maintained. There is no reason UPS should be eliminating those jobs...and again where is our almighty UNION?


Well-Known Member
You know why the company has lost eight driving jobs jackass, because UPS is breaking out routes and sending drivers out with twelve hour loads instead of eight and then saying they have eliminated so many routes because of the recession. It's all a game and UPS can absolutely compete with FED EX. Fed Ex has millions of dollars in debt which at some point will catch up to them. Ups is pretty much a Monopoly when it comes to international and overnight delivery. I believe we are a monopoly in Europe. Where are you getting your poor UPS bs? Or are you a management person in disguise? And by the way...companies love their drivers and are very loyal to them. They aren't going to just jump ship. They had to find alternatives during the strike of 97 but have they not all pretty much returned? UPS is making billions. Do you read their financial reports. Wake up!!