exactly and in a sense people are not working hard. and in other sense they are working hard and getting little to nothing in return because their hard work is being handed to a few rotten capitalists.Unless you are yelling fire in a theater or some such you can pretty much say anything you like here as long as it isn't slander. People say all kinds of things about Trump, much if not most of it untrue. Where are the government agents breaking down their doors and dragging them away? You say people need to grow up. You seem to get much of your views from movies that are intended to excite in order to make money. Time you grew up and realized that there isn't some easy glide path being kept from us. Most people have to work hard to have anything and that is exactly what makes things work. Having everything handed to you is the exact way to watch everything fall apart.
my understanding of the world is mostly from youtube interviews with some movies on top.
no you cant, if youre in the streets long enough with enough people saying a message your govt doesnt like, then they put whatever charges they can on you. the cops play dirty. they push protestors on the streets, sexual assault women protestors, accuse protestors of assaulting police, etc. the justice system sucks too. they killed MLK, they killed black panther party leaders, US has the most violent labor history of any developed country i believe.
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