Corporations / Citizens


Inordinately Right
OK, good, so you agree with me. I was confused by all of your stupid post rating.
I think it's funny that you think that law does anything at all.
It's a topic that is very complicated and you try to oversimplify it by saying there's a law that makes that illegal, so of course it doesn't happen.... because no one breaks, or twists, or finds ways to skirt the law. It's delusional.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I think it's funny that you think that law does anything at all.
It's a topic that is very complicated and you try to oversimplify it by saying there's a law that makes that illegal, so of course it doesn't happen.... because no one breaks, or twists, or finds ways to skirt the law. It's delusional.

If the law doesn't work, why is the radical left fighting for a duplicate law?

It's not me who's oversimplifying, it's the left who thinks it's easy to pay 2 very different workers the same. Give me an example of a man and a woman who produce the same exact outcome in a position and everything else about the job is exactly the same and the women only makes 72% of the man.

In my job experience, I always had to help my female co-workers lift things as they stood there and watched (it was their task) and were paid the same. Is that fair? Every man knows what I'm talking about. Equal work, give me a break.


Inordinately Right
If the law doesn't work, why is the radical left fighting for a duplicate law?

It's not me who's oversimplifying, it's the left who thinks it's easy to pay 2 very different workers the same. Give me an example of a man and a woman who produce the same exact outcome in a position and everything else about the job is exactly the same and the women only makes 72% of the man.

In my job experience, I always had to help my female co-workers lift things as they stood there and watched (it was their task) and were paid the same. Is that fair? Every man knows what I'm talking about. Equal work, give me a break.
I'm not saying we need more laws, but I'm not denying the facts of the pay disparity like you either.

You are still oversimplifying a very complex issue.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying we need more laws, but I'm not denying the facts of the pay disparity like you either.

You are still oversimplifying a very complex issue.

I'm the one telling you it's too complex for easy pay equality to take place when there are infinite variables. Where are the facts on male and female pay disparity?

The market sorts this stuff out best. In most circumstances, people are paid what they are worth or produce in the marketplace. There's competition that keeps businesses fair. If a woman was way underpaid compared to the market or next to a male co-worker where everything was equal, why would she stay?

Examples of the most severe pay disparities is in entertainment but there are market reasons. Actors: lead male actors usually make more than lead female actors. Fact: male actors generally draw bigger box office sales. That's business. Pro athletes: males generally make more because again they draw far greater audiences. How could a female basketball player be paid tens of millions when know one is paying to watch?


Well-Known Member
What were they protesting? Their oppression? Give me a fxxing break.
i think trump had something to do with it, although jeremy scahill said a minority of the protestors was hillary supporters. it sounds like it was a variety of things.

what do you do for political change?


Well-Known Member
I'm the one telling you it's too complex for easy pay equality to take place when there are infinite variables. Where are the facts on male and female pay disparity?

The market sorts this stuff out best. In most circumstances, people are paid what they are worth or produce in the marketplace. There's competition that keeps businesses fair. If a woman was way underpaid compared to the market or next to a male co-worker where everything was equal, why would she stay?

Examples of the most severe pay disparities is in entertainment but there are market reasons. Actors: lead male actors usually make more than lead female actors. Fact: male actors generally draw bigger box office sales. That's business. Pro athletes: males generally make more because again they draw far greater audiences. How could a female basketball player be paid tens of millions when know one is paying to watch?
is this what iceland did to become the most gender equal country?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
i think trump had something to do with it, although jeremy scahill said a minority of the protestors was hillary supporters. it sounds like it was a variety of things.

what do you do for political change?
That's not a very clear answer. But that alone almost answers question. It was a huge gaggle-fuxk. And every single person I've seen interviewed from that march opens up their reason with either "protesting Trump" (he's in and protesting can't change that) or something along the lines of "women's rights" or "equality for women".

Tell me, what rights do they not have for being women? Because it sure as hell doesn't sound like they're looking for equal responsibility, obligation, and accountability.


Well-Known Member
That's not a very clear answer. But that alone almost answers question. It was a huge gaggle-fuxk. And every single person I've seen interviewed from that march opens up their reason with either "protesting Trump" (he's in and protesting can't change that) or something along the lines of "women's rights" or "equality for women".

Tell me, what rights do they not have for being women? Because it sure as hell doesn't sound like they're looking for equal responsibility, obligation, and accountability.
they did the right thing. if your faith wasnt so weak, you coulda been there too. you and jeremy scahill have 2 very different reports on what the issues were that day.

protesting and getting organized will make trump afraid and then force him into playing his hand. for examples of this see the civil rights, new deal, womens rights, etc.

or we could follow your advice and do nothing and let corporations and lobbyists control the government and suck the country dry for all its worth...

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
they did the right thing. if your faith wasnt so weak, you coulda been there too. you and jeremy scahill have 2 very different reports on what the issues were that day.

protesting and getting organized will make trump afraid and then force him into playing his hand. for examples of this see the civil rights, new deal, womens rights, etc.

or we could follow your advice and do nothing and let corporations and lobbyists control the government and suck the country dry for all its worth...

Are they protesting Trump's proposal for mandatory 6 weeks paid maternity leave and increased child tax credits? Are they mad that Trump put more women in leading roles in his businesses than most others? What rights is Trump taking away from women?


Inordinately Right
Are they protesting Trump's proposal for mandatory 6 weeks paid maternity leave and increased child tax credits? Are they mad that Trump put more women in leading roles in his businesses than most others? What rights is Trump taking away from women?
Why are we giving tax breaks to people for having kids. Shouldn't they pay more taxes not less?

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Why are we giving tax breaks to people for having kids. Shouldn't they pay more taxes not less?

The average cost to raise a child in the US to age 18 is $245,000, not counting college.

That's why there are child tax credits. Those without children don't understand. Remember too that children are future tax payers.

Point was that Trump is trying to help women and they are marching in the streets against him, LOL.


Inordinately Right
The average cost to raise a child in the US to age 18 is $245,000, not counting college.

That's why there are child tax credits. Those without children don't understand. Remember too that children are future tax payers.

Point was that Trump is trying to help women and they are marching in the streets against him, LOL.
I don't care how much they cost you, you made the choice.

Children cost the government a ton of money and we give people tax breaks to have them. Doesn't make sense.